Monza Vs. Perugia. Highlights. Superlega. Round 3 Of The Finals


Steven Mar of Min Far Vol Monza, one of the key players in tonight's fixture, will get game four of the scudetto final underway here in the Olympic Quad Arena, and it's a great start for the visitors. Mon survived an early call that is just glorious; he's had a good time out there. Marini so far, and he's absolutely hammered by that serve.

Liy forc to volley s menuk tides and plot nitki is cutting a fine figure out there on the court at the moment. Steven Mah has started well with a solid serve, but a great pass and well-played gajini onto that plot nitki swing block do their job. Kalachi ties up all the attackers available, and that just means a total nightmare for Jan.

Luca Galasi in the middle, along with the director of sports, got lovic for great on the volleyball, courtar dear. Me well, decent defense from the Ukrainian international and a heavy swing from Leon, but the block was well set, so Schz is on for his height front rope, while the Croatian setter is on in the back row.

He's played really well from the bench, and at the moment, Monzer has Peru's number at the net. A smile from Angelo, Leni, and here we go again. Well, fortunately, if he can, he goes off pace again. Gianelli spots it seuk out of the system; he's accessing that really steep angle that he likes but is well defended by Mark.


M rolls it through, and it's game on here in the Opie quad. Fantastic execution of the plan from Monza They've obviously come in with an idea of what they want to do, with how they wanted to use their offense early on and particularly their service tactics, but they've looked like they're in their best rhythm and Takahashi was able to exploit the power, and then short, against Leon in the last series, well contained another big serve pass by Gini but Mar has been put down by r, so Elli looking to dig his team out of this hole three points down in set two and a set down clavio chooses not to swing on that and they might pay the price, here and that is M being very clever indeed, so the substitutions have certainly worked for Lawen etti in the short.


Gnell goes full-tilt and hits a good one. Gianelli was dragged away from the net. Herrera hasn't hit a ball for a while, but that is a screamer. After a few months of frustration in that celebration at not playing much this year, what a comeback from Ley! That's another screamer, breaking the pipe from Mah, taking him to 10 points as the first man into double.

Figures can't put it away. Plotnitsky scurries in to make the defense, and that is a tremendous shot to just give his team the advantage in set two. This is hanging in the balance for Monza at the moment. It's a good serve. It's a beautiful pass, and that has gone all wrong for Kach. Choa turns into a magnificent set for Herrera No, he's staying out wide; he's going up against the Cuban, and it's Mayanovic who gets good hands on Leon.

It's a circus show from Steven Mah, who has gone again. Cachopa is back, in Ley tracks away from the net, and that has been properly bounced, but eras the man to try and do it. It's a good hit. Takahashi is under pressure. Gajini fires wide to Le Key, who gets the ReUse's good defense from Herrera, and Gianelli hits a brilliant ball that hits Kach Choppa's foot but flies.

sir susa vim perugia

Out of the three options you just presented, we know what Herrera is going to do, and he blasts away. Will he bow out with an MVP and a scudetto? trophy, that's just horrendous. pole to pass, and a very nice and sensible shot from JL. He didn't try to overpower it; he just clipped it to space a bit more in their natural, rhythm-heavy serve.

Now the system swings into the block, and it's been a while since we've talked about Flavio. He's not really going to change the setter; maybe he can change Lein Schatz, but then that changes a lot of how they want to play; that the block is there; there was someone in row three who was in danger of the block pulling their hands out of the way; that's more like it.

That's more like it from Flavio; he's had a quiet time of it tonight, so they have to be willing to go for these difficult shots. Anything in the middle, and Peruja just gobbles it up. He's got back into some decent serving rhythm, but the net just intercedes, allowing the pass to happen and allowing Lon to flow onto the set of Gan and Elli.


Yeah, that's a good point; it's been long and demanding. Season passes, Kalachi on Kopa, and it looks like Plot Nitki has also found his rhythm in this game. Tim held in again as the serving specialist, and despite this wonderful noise from the Monza crowd, Fuja has four set points for a 2-1 lead, with forceful, set-out Leon hitting.

Someone decides to go for the power plot. Nitki gets the pass away and gets roofed out of sight by Ley and D. Martino, and now Takahashi has the gambler's chance. He can throw this ball wherever he wants, and Seuk steps in just in case it is short, but he hits him hard and well. Gian Elli, who stalks back to the service line Takashi moves to 12 points in the match, De Martino serves 25 Seenu passes and stays on, and that is a magnificent kill.

That's a great hit. Gen's disappointment with himself wasn't much he could do with that ball high ball to goodness, pick your spot. I hope you got some more information than that, but it's a good idea. Russo hits Gajini, but is not hit hard enough by D.


Martino it's still in play, and C has crept back onto the court, a little out of focus. The players on court, laser likee, in their attempts to come back, it's just gone over the head. There is a great man on the net. Bangs it it's another good serve. He's played well tonight when he's been asked to.

That is a very cheeky swing from Steven. Mah Cuban left-hander bangs it gajini magnificent again. It was touched by Galassi. It was touched by Gassi, so Takahashi's touch was a fourth chance to win the scudetto, Title out of the back line A big swing from Schwarz is defending; that is glorious. You cannot hit a volleyball better than that, but they do have kacho of front caught, passed by Lon, passed tight, and saved by Gan's alien power tip to the middle.


Here we go. Lon whacks it, and Takahashi manages to get the ball airborne and attacks. Mah defends off the block. It's tight; good work again. From Takahashi's third time of asking, he finds a glorious swing to keep Monzer in the hunt kach. Chopper serves as a good front line for Monza. Lon passes, the middle ball is blocked, Herrera is tied, he's up S.

Menuk for the tournament, and he's got it. Peruja are the champions for the 2024 camel simuk off the block and away, and 3-1 on the night means that Sasua Vim Peruja secures the scudetto title 3-1 in this best of five

Watch the highlights between Vero Volley Monza vs. Sir Susa Vim Perugia from Round 4 of the Finals of the 2324 Superlega.