100 Matches Of The Finals: Quick Cash Statistics

Actual introduction

Actual introduction

For Please excuse me for this horrendous edit, but guys. I have waited for so long and it is time to celebrate light rats are getting nerfed after a long time drama aside. I played 100 games of the finals and I gathered statistics regarding what class was played most and what specialization was brought most during these 100 games, which means I played against 600 players during patch notes, 2.2.0, until 2.4.0, and I documented my findings.

I would like to inform you that I faced countless SL treatments with the same build aim God mediums with scars or with healing beam sucking each other off and for some reason top 0.1%. MMR Heavies is playing unranked for some goddamn reason; I won't lie, there were 100 games of rage and mental health crises.

Not really, but you get my point. Hopefully, these statistics can shed light on how some specializations need changes due to several factors, whether they're buffs or nerfs.

What class was used the most

What class was used the most

So to begin with, let's talk about the classes I've seen during these 100 games. To begin with, out of the 600 players I faced during these 100 games. I encountered 192 light players, 292 medium players, and 116 heavy players, which means I got to face off a percentage of 32% light players. 48.67, mediums, and 19.33% of heavyweights.

If you think these numbers are wild, just wait till you see the specializations.

What specializations did the light class use

I will start with the light class, and as you know, the light class has three specializations, like any other, which is obvious, right? So what did our dear light players play out of the 600 games and the following 192 lights I faced?

I got to face 23 players with grapp hooks and 47 players with evasives. Dash and a staggering 122 players with cloaking devices, which gives the following percentage to each. 11.98% used dash evasion, and 63.54% used cloaking devices, which is disgusting.

What specializations did the medium class use

What specializations did the medium class use

Up next, we have mediums to cut to the chase a bit quicker out of the 600 games and the following 292 mediums. I played against 44 players who played with the metalizer, 67 played with the guardian turret, and a staggering 181 played with the healing beam.

Yeah, that's twice what we're seeing: two classes only focusing on one specialization more than the other two offered. When working with percentages, that means 15.07% played with the demetrial, 22.95 played with the guardian turret, and 61.99 played with the healing beam.

What specializations did the heavy class use

Finally, out of the 600 games, I faced 116 heavies who used the following specializations: 17 players use the go-gun.

37 used the MS shield, and 62 used the charge and slam, which gives the following percentages: 14.66% played with the googan, 31.9% played with the mes shield, and 53.4% played charge and slam. This is.

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Outro / please subscribe

That is it. It is up to you. I would be very thankful for your support. Thank you and goodbye,.

Hey guys, I played 100 games of The Finals Quick Cash and gathered statistics regarding the 600 players I played against. Starting with which class was used mostly and then what specialization each player used during these 100 games. Note . Please excuse my mic quality, as I am facing some trouble overall with my micbackground noises.
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