The Finals - Season 3 Details Already. Embark Dev "leaks. Goth Girl Skin & More


The finals just got their first confirmations for season 3, and we also have some additional big details, including that of the much-sought-after goth girl skin, some further information on private matches as well as some of the information there about the server infrastructure from the developers, and even some more marketing for the game, as well as a whole bunch more.

It's Utopia back in with another article today, we're checking out all things final. Okay, so jumping right in, let's get into those season 3 details. Now, this is a very minor one, but this is from an actual developer, kind of showcasing. What's going on there? So a lot of the stuff I'm going to talk about in this article is actually from the specific developer who's been known to leak stuff before, or at least quote-unquote leak, or just discuss things a bit early.


This is from Embark. Which I believe he's mentioning ta as the new terminal attack game mode which is good to see that with season 3 we're also going to be getting terminal, attack on the map so again the big detail here is that season 3 will have one map or at least seemingly so that it will just be a single map just like season 2 and again we're also going to be getting terminal attack with that new map not much variance there from season 2 as we did get poers shift right away on the new map so it does make sense but I just think that's a good detail there to know that we will get the new mode plus that new map and it will be coinciding, with each other or at least able to be played with that new mode on that new map so again we're probably just going to be receiving that one new map for season 3 which yeah of course they're already going into testing with that people of course are already giving wild guesses for this that it might be in Europe.

Or even something like Amsterdam. We also have the notion here that this is to be expected because, in Battlefield, it took around 3 to 6 months for them to make new maps again. If you guys didn't know a lot of the original developers from Embark actually came from the original battlefields or were working on and making the original Battlefield games, it's kind of why the destruction system feels so good and fluid.


As well as in my opinion the gun shake and the kind of physics there definitely feel Battlefield s moving on though we do have another thing from Rob or another kind of quote unquote leak here he also showed off here the new goth skin we've only had that one trailer footage which use that one specific face here but he goes off and shows another face using that entire skin or that skin set combo, now of course people are really hyped about this skin this has been like sought after since the original trailer dropped and with Rob showing us a bit of a close-up here this does give us a better notion of how this skin or at least the combo will look in the upper half but not only did he showcase, the upper half of the skin he also talked about when we might be seeing that skin which in a reply here to someone saying looks shippable to me He went ahead and said.


Okay, let's ship it with 2.8. I believe this next patch, the big one, is going to be 2.6. At least, that's obviously a guess. Again, it is a bigger patch, so I assume we're going to jump from 2.5.1 to 2.6. There's only a few weeks left of the season; they've gone from 2.4 to 2.4.1, then 2.5. They've jumped around with some of the numbers, so we'll have to wait and see if we do get 2.7.

I think it's dependent on a lot of variables, but more than likely we will see it in around 4 weeks, which does add up to around 2.9 to 3.0, being with season 3, so that seems more than likely the case, so we'll probably get the gothic skin at least from all the notifications of how the recent updates have gone in about a month's time again.

Shout out to Rob here because he's definitely been detailing some of the new skins that have come out, as well as some of the stuff kind of going behind the scenes. Now there's two more things from Rob still, as he's been doing a lot of stuff in the Discord as of late, and he showed off this skin that's reminiscent of one of the ones we have now, but it looks completely different.


Maybe this was some prototyping, Stuff. They've had a lot of imagery that they're showing off that was kind of behind the scenes back then, or at least before the game was released. We do have a mask that sort of looks like this right now, although I do think that this one is a lot cooler and better-looking.

I do hope we get this one eventually. This was a pretty cool promo image, or at least it looks like a promo image. He also mentioned that they had a concept from a few years ago that was for a hockey mask, although this is where he showed off the closest thing to that. One last thing here from Rob is the private server discussion.

A lot of people are wondering why private servers need six players. He went on here to say that the reason for this is that we need to start a dedicated server every time anyone starts a private match. I remember initially when we first started talking about private matches and people being like there's no way they're going to bring private matches in because they have to make the dedicated servers.


Well, they ended up doing that and eating the cost of that, or yeah, he does go on to say that these servers are expensive and cost money to start. We went on to say that some other games have a Renta server program. There are a few other games that do this, especially Battlefield. The recent ones do have that rent-to-server stuff; there's also some other games that have that as well.

I believe Fallout 76 is one of those where you can kind of pay that monthly subscription where you do get your own private server. He said we don't have a system for that currently, so Embark pays the cost of every single private game that players are starting. He did go on here to say that perhaps they might make a test and see how much it would cost to lower the player count from 6 to 2.


He even mentions here that they'll try to get it in for the next patch, but they can't guarantee anything. I'm guessing he means the next patch and not this current one. Pretty cool insight there. We'll have to see if this does come to fruition or if we do end up receiving it again. It's really cool that Rob is giving us a ton of insight and answering tons of questions on there, so he's been really active as of late.

I know I've been talking about some of the marketing campaigns for the finals or the marketing push that they're trying to do with season 2. We do have this here, where we are getting some advertisements shown on YouTube for the finals, at least in that new mode. Now people on Reddit here have said that they've seen several ads on both YouTube and even Twitch for the past few months; some players have even seen them since launch.

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