The Finals. Exploring Newest Mode: Terminal Attack. Is It A Game-changer



We got an exciting new game mode from Empar called Terminal Attack, and it's unlike anything we have seen before. Picture this: it's a 5 versus 5 mode, but there is a twist: no healing, no revives, and you only have one life now. Let's hear what Squ and Jun have to say about this mode.

Mode summary

Here's the rundown: In this mode, two teams of five face off in a best-of-seven showdown.

In each round, the teams will be assigned the roles of attackers or defenders. Defenders need to stop the attackers by eliminating them or interrupting the transfer at the terminal for attackers. The mission is to deliver a decryption key to a terminal to activate and complete a fund transfer. All contestants respawn at the start of each round, but that's it.

Yes, folks, CNS has added some twists. There are no revives, no mid-round respawns, and gadgets do not recharge mid-round. Every move and every decision could end the round. That's why we call it a terminal attack, all right?

Mode rules

Mode rules

Let's get Once the round kicks off, you will be randomly put on either the attacker or defender team, and if the attacker is handed a key, your job is to bring the key to one of the two terminals and deposit it there. These terminals are usually close to the defenders who are trying to protect them.

There are seven rounds, and you only get one life per round. No reviving is allowed, health beams or debators aren't available, and each gadget you have only works once, so you have to use them. If you get hurt, your health only partially recovers up to 100 points. To win around, your team needs to either decrypt the key or stop the other team from decrypting it by taking over the terminal, or you can just eliminate the other team altogether.

The oral game winners get the team with the most points after seven rounds.

Event rewards and cosmetics

This mode comes with seven contracts, each offering different cosmetic options, including the full CMS glitch style. You need to play at least 10 games with the different classes to complete this event and get its rewards.

My thoughts on this mode

My thoughts on this mode

So what's my initial take on this mod? Well, it's definitely different from what we have used so far. It's pretty interesting, especially with the whole strategic gadget pain and one life R, but personally, I don't think it fits too well with the co-wipe of the finals.

As a fast-paced combat game, it feels like this mod kind of goes against the usual aggressive gameplay of the finals instead of just diving and having a blast. You got to be super careful and think hard about when and where to use your gadgets. It's kind of punishing you for playing casually and solo because you really need a coordinated team to stand a chance at winning, so it's not exactly the mod for some laidback fun.


Come out on top here. You really need a solid team, which is pretty different from other mods where you can still do well flying solar. Plus, it seems like attackers have a bit of an advantage over defenders, especially if they can bunker down and hold off with stuff like that. Turrets, taking down a fortifi terminal with this setup is a real tough knot to crack.

The cool thing about this mod is how the arena stays wrecked between rounds, which stops people from using the same spots over and over, like if you knock down the crane in Mona in one round, nobody goes to Camp there in the next one. Plus, it's all about teamwork and coordination, which could help Forks get better at playing together in general and carry those skills to other Forks.

But even though I like this mod, it's not my goal. After a few games of playing, I realized I only really have a plus with the terminal attack if I have a full team that can talk to each other; otherwise, I just stick to solo play. I personally found the previous bunny bash mod to be more fun because it let me try out different weapons without worrying about messing up the game because you can still change the tide easily even if you lose 90% of the game.


The initiating attacker remains, so the terminal attack is a full change of the base, but it's not as fast or dynamic as the main game, which definitely needs a team to succeed. Still, it's awesome to see Embark dropping the new M regulator. I can't wait to see what else they come up with. That's it for today.

Bye, round over, and the Defenders Hold Steady.
