The Finals. Season 2 Overview - Get Insights On What's New - Cns, Map, Game Mode, Gadget, Weapons

Intro and cns rogue hacking group

Intro and cns rogue hacking group

Strange things are happening in the arena this time. Let's check on their social defense and see if your mess seems to be.

Who is cns?

We are seers, and we are here to change again. One thing is certain: It will be fun. This season 2, the game show has been compromised by the Ru Hacking Collective CNS.

In the new hacking style, we are given the opportunity to step in the shoes of the CNS with a new map. Compete with a set of new gadgets and new specializations that can be mixed and matched with the existing tool sets. Remove walls, defy gravity tunnels across the arena, and transform items into glitches in the systems, bringing the new dimension to The Game, season 2, also introduced all new 5 versus 5 game modes.

Power Shift is a heck of a new map, a skill-based leak system, a rewarding system, and career progression. private matches and insects with other features and events, so get ready and let's review all season 2 changes together.

New gadgets & specialisation: embrace the chaos with new gadgets and specializations. erase walls, manipulate gravity, create portals, and transform objects - become the master of disruption!

New gadgets & specialisation: embrace the chaos with new gadgets and specializations. erase walls, manipulate gravity, create portals, and transform objects - become the master of disruption!

This season brings three new gadgets and one specialization. Light Glass gets a new gadget called Gateway; it's a pair of limited-range Deployable portals: when both are thrown and activated, contestants and objects can move between two locations. Anyone can use the portal, but players cannot see or shoot through it.

It's perfect for a quick getaway when things get tough. For mediums, there is a new specialization called dematerializer. The temporary erases physical surfaces like walls, ceilings, or goo, allowing contestants to see, shoot, and pass through them, turning every obstacle into an open door. Mediums also get data-reshaping gadgets that change any random objects, including enemy fortification, into something entirely different, like turning an enemy mine into a chair or an enemy turret into a table.

For havies, there is a deployable anti-gravity cube gadget that manipulates gravity in its immediate areas, lifting contestants and objects upwards. Is it a traversal tool or a defensive gadget? It's up to each contestant to decide.

New 5v5 game mode: power shift engage in a thrilling escort mission with a twist. control the platform, or watch it change direction under enemy influence. strategy is key!

New 5v5 game mode: power shift engage in a thrilling escort mission with a twist. control the platform, or watch it change direction under enemy influence. strategy is key!

And Now let's explore the new game mode with Scotty, contestants. It's time to claim fame in the game we call Power Ship. Jump into the arena, get to the platform, and capture it to set it in motion. You'll be earning cash as the platform starts moving towards your goal. Try to get two or even three of you on there so the platform moves that much faster.

If anything gets in the way of our platform, it'll just rip right through it. You'll have to adapt your attack or defense as the arena crumbles around you, and in this competition, you can switch your whole contestant pack between respawns. The first team to reach their goal, or the team that's closest when time's up, wins.

However, if your team holds the platform but isn't in the lead, when the time is up, we'll call overtime just to see if you can get it back.

New weapons: get into the arena with the new powerfull weapons to expand arcenal for light, medium, and heavy classes

SCU So let's turn the page and look at the three new weapons available in season 2: 93 Arm Burst Fire Machine Pistol; mediums are getting the new Famas Burst assault rifle; and heavyweights are able to wield the new Ks23 Slug Shotgun. For a detailed review of each weapon, check out our next article.

Hacked new map: sys$horizon: explore this glitchy, neon-filled cityscape with a twist of vertical and horizontal gameplay. it␙s the cns's own arena, where anything can happen!

Hacked new map: sys$horizon: explore this glitchy, neon-filled cityscape with a twist of vertical and horizontal gameplay. it␙s the cns's own arena, where anything can happen!

With access to assets and the source file, CNS has introduced its own Arena sis Horizon map. This glitchy neon field cityscape exists in the loading realm of the game show and features a mix of vertical and horizontal gameplay.

Velocity bridges create pathways between buildings, and pieces of floating glitch geometry allow contestants to parkour through the area. Aside from these changes, there are more going back to.

And much more: revamped league, career progression

You Scotty What's in store for season 2? For starters, for private matches where contestants get the arena all to themselves, we're also trying out a revamped league system based on individual skill for better matches in our ranked tournament.

We are CNS, and we are here to change the game, Scotty. It seems we have lost them again because of CNS, so what you're waiting for is for the game show to get glitchy with all new loadouts and disrupt the fabric of the game. Arena Get Ready Get set, get in there, contestants! Season two of the finals starts

The Finals | Welcome to THE FINALS Season 2 The Ultimate Gaming Showdown.
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