The Finals Continue To Impress Me

I think there are all kinds of different avenues they can approach while implementing this tournament style. I think it could be really interesting and really keep people interested. Engaged, obviously, there's always small balance things that can always be changed and adjusted, so I don't really want to go too deep into that.


I'm not one of those people who really wants to go nitty-gritty with that. I really want to talk about things. Overall, the only big thing that I'm seeing so far after this update is that the player base is still continuing to fall. It is falling slowly, but it's still continuing to fall, and obviously everybody expects to see that.

Obviously, you're going to have that huge bump when a game first drops, and then you're just going to kind of narrow down and get that actual player base that you're going to have. While I still think that's great, there still seems to be a subtle decline. I don't see a stabilization, so maybe it just hasn't hit that stabilization yet.

I'm curious what Embark's goals are for that stabilization. Obviously, I'm only talking about it from a Steam perspective, but obviously, these are on different consoles as well, so we don't know how many people are playing. I guess there might be more people on the console. I'm not entirely sure there's a way to ever really tell, but generally, I always think that player counts tend to be pretty higher on consoles, especially because of their availability.

light build

In regards to the player count still falling. I still think there could be a few things at play while I enjoy the game mode that they added, and other people might feel that it's another kind of push the cart game mode and feel that it's not enough to bring them back, or just, or just a little bit, come back for a little bit, but it's nothing super new.

But I like their take on it. I know some people might feel that way; they might just see it's just pushing that, and then they never give it a try, but after I actually tried it. I realized it was kind of like their own TV, which is different compared to something like OverWatch, or what we saw with Defiant or Escort, and, you know, countless FPS competitive games that have it.

I believe having a few more game modes could introduce some new people to the game who maybe didn't like the standard game mode, but I think that'll come with time. Obviously, they can't do this immediately; it's going to take time as the finals come out. I don't want to be hypercritical of the game when it's only been out for two months, and overall, I think they've done a great job.


I've noticed that my performance has dropped a little bit, which hopefully can bounce back up with time, and optimization gets a little bit better as they add more. Players and whatever they decide to do, the big thing to me that I think is hurting this game really needs to be added.

And it probably will be with time, and honestly, it should have always had. Is a grind something to rank, for outside of just playing rank. I feel like there's nothing to really push for and play for, whether it be grinding for attachments or getting skins. It feels like I understand that it's a free-to-play game.

new map

And, there is stuff to get without paying for something but it seems like there's no way to really rank up weapons or really to stop people from running the same loadouts over and over again or really rewarding people for using the same gun or same Gadget outside of just a couple basic skins and I understand like I said it is a free-to-play game and they're trying to push the Skins they're trying to make more money, but there is an element of it where if you don't want to play ranked or even if you are playing ranked you still want this outside four something else to keep on pushing you and leveling up whether it be an actual level number because I feel like levels in this game don't really mean much you don't really see them unless somebody's in your.

new update

Lobby, there's just it's kind of the same issue that you're seeing with Halo while there is this kind of like level system it's not really promoted or really pushed it's just a basic simple little, number that's by your name and then on top of that you don't really see it in lobby so when you get into a Lobby you don't really know how good someone is or how much time they put in I think somebody who's done this a really, really good is Apex Legends for example it's a free-to-play game there's a lot of cosmetics and stuff obviously there's not a lot of ton things to grind for but seeing stats does even something as stats motivates a lot of people seeing the amount of win somebody has with a character the amount of, kills they have.

Whatever it might be, I think Apex is doing a great job of motivating people through stats and then hitting those milestones versus the finals. But anyway, if you guys, love, made it to the end of this article, thank you. I invite you to like, subscribe, and turn on the notifications if you want to see more gaming reviews, gaming news, and just general gaming discussions like we did today.

Peace out, everybody.

In this video, I review Season 2 of The Finals! I give my thoughts on what I love about the season 2 in its current state as well as if I think this game can last in the hyper competitive FPS space.