The "new" Best Light Build After The Finals Season 2 Update

We do get that knock, which is really nice, and I didn't take any damage, so we're able to get another one, but unfortunately we get third partied in the back by a random team, so we're up by a lot, so there's no reason for me to pop my coin, especially with my team coming over and hitting a nice defib on me.

new map

Here's the definitive change you guys see. Here's a delay. Now I'm up, and I had 50% HP. My teammate used a healing beam, but I would have been at 50%, so that's the new defib change again. I really like it. Go ahead we can fight for cash out, Reason. Just, why not take some action? Another great change is that they added an auto-sprint.

I thought I saw somebody okay, hold up, throw that, throw that, now we can play around with that he dipped. If he doesn't want to fight, that's fine. Auto-sprint is just a great feature that they finally added, so that is in the game now. Well, go ahead and try and lob a nade in there; you're just trying to get some damage, because, why not, go for a little stun?

new season

play, little freebie unfortunately gets. Stolen. I'm just looking for some damage here for fun, and we are pretty safely seeing what I'm saying, though the range on this 93r is basically non-existent, no range, but it melts up close, so you just have to make your play style Match it, so unfortunately we had a teammate leave that second match, so we just had to hop into a new tournament for match number two, but no worries at all, we got the same exact map, and we're running it right back.

I'm going to be doing custom games now that they're in season 2 with the community, and I'm going to be doing a ton of articles actually in custom games, so if you guys want to actually be a part of the articles and participate in those private tournaments, go ahead and make sure to join that Discord. Without further ado, let's get into match number two here, and I'm going to be focused mainly on, like I said, the Inside the Mind commentary.

I'm letting you guys know what's going on in my head as I'm playing and why I'm doing what I'm doing, so we're going to go over here and contest vault number two. I got stunned, and that is literally the worst way to start this game play, but I mean, what are you going to do? Sometimes you're just going to get stunning and die really unlucky.

new update

We died there in the first place. Go ahead, and we're going to hit a nice little third party here. We end up getting another kill there. I don't know where that gateway exactly went to; if I knew where the other side was, that'd be perfect; he just landed right next to me, beautiful. We're going to stick a res here, try, and get our teammates back.

This should be the medium, so we should be able to deliver the heavy. Not sure where the other side is, there we go. We got one more down low; he's one HP. Just land on that clean. That kill-up got that nice early team wipe that was really solid. Now we're going to go over and contest cash out, and I'm going to try and get rid of that turret nice and early, and this is where I'm going to use this gateway to create multiple avenues to kind of escape.

Go ahead; I'm going to be aggressive there and get that kill, and now I'm going to look to play around with this. Gateway, that's my teammate. Right there. I was going to, like I said, break down how to use these gateways more in another article, but using them to, like, go like this and get behind fights.


I think, is going to be key, along with taking High Ground, so if you're down here without that obviously and you want to get up here using the gateways. I think that's going to be really, really strong, especially because your whole team can take them hold up. We got some action purple here, and that's going to be a free kill.

I threw that nade. I had to be careful. Another guy down low. We're just going to beam; we don't even have to drop. Go ahead and lob, and let's see what he does. You know what we're going to use here. Let me use it.

Wait, why can't I use it there we go? I don't know why it didn't go right away, and I'm going to die because of it. I don't know why the gateway didn't pop right away; it felt delayed. It's kind of unfortunate there, but I like the play. I like the idea that my teammates are getting lit up. Here, go ahead and clean up that kill that was a team wipe.

patch notes

Now I can go ahead and get my teammates up here, and then we can quickly head on over to the next vault, so we're going to go ahead and get vault number three to D. By the looks of it, I like this play. Close, that didn't work there; we go; we get that started. You can see that Gateway portal there; just take that insta High Ground.

You know, obviously, you have the jump pad on medium, but especially for me because I play solo Q, the fact that I can basically have the same effect as a jump pad by myself as a light player is so nice that guy just went down. I'm going to stick a res here; getting the res off is always a priority.

Priority got the res off now, so we can go back and play this cash out, but yeah, like I said, it's an easy High Ground Play for lights as a solo queue, which I think is super cool. Where's this guy? Where did he take the gateway? I didn't think so. I can't see it's so Orange in here ends up getting the assist there, and I think my teammate just clinged it up as well.

season 2

Yeah, he did. It's so Orange in here that aiming at the Orange team is like insane, so yeah, we're very easily just going to go ahead and clean up that last cash out. I'm going to go ahead and try and contest C just for. Fun! Try and use the gateway to get over here in time, but I don't think there's any chance.

Actually, we might get involved here a little. Yeah, we're dead. We're absolutely dead fighting. We're just going to spam some nades in here, using those nades to get some initial opening damage. I'm going to try and wrap around everything's it is pure red. I can't see a thing, use the dashes to come back up here, but I mean yeah.

I can't. I literally could not see a thing in that room, so hopefully you guys enjoyed those game plays showing off one of the new best light builds after season 2. I'm going to be posting a ton of more content super soon. We're going to be doing the 5v5 mode rank game and playing custom matches.

Like I said, if you want to be a part of those custom matches, make sure to join the Discord, and I will catch you guys in the next one. Have an amazing rest of your day.

In this The Finals, YouTube Video, I have another The Finals Gameplay where I give you guys The Finals Tips throughout the entire video! However, this is the first The Finals Season 2 Gameplay after The Finals Season 2 Update! The Finals Season 2 just came out today and this is the first The Finals Light Gameplay going over the Best Light Build in The Finals Season 2.