The Finals - New Season 2 Gadgets, Weapons, Spec Gameplay W/ Devs. Hidden Mechs. More



As we know, the finals got a brand new hacker play style; however. I was given exclusive access to season 2 early by the developers, where I was able to test the entire new hacker play style and toolkit, including all the new specializations and equipment, as well as the brand new weapons for each class, where there are a multitude of hidden mechanics that weren't shown off in the trailers, as well as some decent tips and uses for each.

I'll go over each and every one of those, including some exclusive gameplay and a whole bunch more.


And honestly, this specialization will probably have the biggest impact on the game overall, as you are able to clear fairly large surfaces. This also applies to objects in the play space. This thing adds insane amounts of dynamic to the game and different play styles, as well as just being a pretty big meta change.

As I said in my previous article, this does remind me of some split gate portals, but they are not as far-reaching, and you do need to be fairly close to the wall to actually initiate this. Overall, Mediums get a massive W this season, which also moves me on to the data reshaper.

Data reshaper

Data reshaper

It's a gadget that changes enemy fortifications, or any random objects for that matter, into something entirely different, like turning an enemy mind into a chair or an enemy turret into a table great for breaking through enemy defenses.

However, that's not all with the data reshaper; there are some unique properties with it. Again, this is a gadget, not a specialization, so you can use both the dematerializer and the data reshapes at the same time. One of the unique properties that I found with the data reshaper is that not only can you change enemy turrets into a table, you can also change smoke into an explosive, or those explosive barrels, so you can actually switch back and forth between good and bad.

It does seem like it might be fairly random; however, there are some unique changes there, as they didn't really outline the fact that you could switch a smoke canister into an explosive one or you could actually change passive equipment into a more aggressive one. You do only get one charge for this, but you are able to change multiple items within one burst, or at least within its one usage.

Again, it does seem fairly random, but there are some unique changes overall with the dematerializer and the data reshaper. This is going to be a really good combo for the medium class and basically makes them as covert as the light class, using even invis completely evading frontal attacks, getting to the backside, and alleviating all those defenses.

Anti-grav cube

Anti-grav cube

Now, next up for the heavies, we do have the anti-gravity cube.

It's a deployable cube that manipulates gravity in its immediate area. Lifting contestants and objects upwards, is it a traversal tool or defensive? The gadget is up to the contestant. They're right about it being defensive, as this does add an insanely slow field, especially for classes that aren't light.

Now, it seems like each individual class can actually move through this either slower or faster depending on what class you're playing, and again, of course, lights can move through it fairly quickly. However, the heavyweights and mediums actually do move through it kind of slowly, meaning that this is actually an insanely useful tool through doorways to completely stop crowds and force them to go in a different direction.

It does seem to last fairly long. This is an insane combo with the dematerializer. And pushing through the cash outs through different walls and different layers, you can also use the shields in them, which will allow you to get to higher places, which on the new map is actually insanely useful because there are spots that you can use with the anti-gravity cube to get to high places, almost reminiscent of a chandelier or even locations.

Above those ceiling sections, there was actually an Embark dead that showed by this and got to a really cool location that was able to kind of protect the cash out again, a really cool dynamic there with that specialization, which is going to appear insanely well with that dematerializer. Next up, we have.



Have the gateway for lights; it's a pair of limited-range deployable portals. When both are thrown and activated, contestants and objects can move between the two locations. Anyone can use a portal, but players can't see or shoot through them, perfect for a quick getaway, and when things get hairy, when they mean players can't see or shoot through them, they mean the actual portal itself can't be seen through or be shot through.

All players can see them, even enemy players, and it doesn't matter what class is actually using them, or at least the other classes that are around the other players; they can also see those portals even if they're on the enemy faction. What I've noticed with this is that the Gateway actually doesn't throw very far.


However i found it most useful when you actually throw one down next to you and then walk to a different location, or throw one and then walk to a different location and place a portal pretty far away again. That seems to be more utilized than actually throwing it to a location and wanting to get there, as the throw is not as far as I had hoped for.

However, this does seem insanely useful for a getaway and gives the light class even more mobility, especially if you don't take a mobility specialization. This equipment is really, really good for light. It also seems like a fairly no-brainer choice for lights overall, as there really isn't too much equipment and gadgets to take on the lights that actually influence gameplay.

However, paired well with a really good team, this can make the change completely, as it can get your team out of very sticky situations, and again, you can even use the enemy portals to get through them to them, which also adds a pretty big dynamic layer to that. To reiterate, all players can use them.

It doesn't matter what enemy team they are; they can all see them, so you do have to be wary of that because it can play against you in some scenarios, and it doesn't seem like there's any cool down. You can hop back in and out of the portals fairly quickly, so there's no sort of cool-down with the actual portal; you can just go in and out as much as you want, which again adds a lot of dynamic to the play.



For the weapons, we do have a 93r. Burst fire machine pistol This pistol is fairly decent and decently accurate; however, it's headshot multiplayer, which is pretty insane, so if you are able to hit the headshot with pistols on lights, this is a really, really good weapon. Choice, as it seems like it has a fairly fast TTK, if not one of the fastest; however, I would probably choose the other pistol if you are a mainly body-shot person.

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