The Finals "season 1" Optimization Guide (more Fps, Smooth Gameplay)


Welcome back to another YouTube article. In this YouTube article, I'm going to be showing you the best settings for the finals, which is a new game that just came out. These are going to be the best settings for the finals, and just a disclaimer: this is a very GPU-intensive title. You're going to need a decent GPU in order to run this, so if you're on a 1650 or 1660.

Or something around that area you might have trouble turning up certain settings so we are going to have to play around with the resolution, scaling method so if you have a bad GPU just keep this in mind but these are going to be the best settings for the finals either way and these are pretty much the best settings for esport gameplay AKA you just want to have the best settings for the highest FPS while still maintaining, most of your visuals and being able to play the game at a competitive level so without further Ado let's get right into basically just doing some steam settings that I've already covered in some articles but these are going to help reduce some of the impact that steam has on the finals so all you want to do is open up steam.


And we're going to go to Steam at the top left. Click settings go to friends and chat, turn off enabling animated avatars and animated avatar frames in your friends and list, and chat, then go to interface, and you're going to uncheck everything under scale text and ICL to match monitor settings, so you check everything here except notify me about additions or changes to my games, new releases, and upcoming releases.

Then we're going to go to the library and check low-bandwidth mode. Check the performance mode and disable it. Community content goes to downloads. Scroll the way down and enable background processing of Vulcan shaders and enable shader pre-caching, all right, and then we're going to go to ing game and turn off the steam overlay while in game, and then you can turn on the in-game FPS counter just because we want to see our FPS while we're in the finals, so set this to top left or wherever you want to have the in-game counter, so we go to remote play and turn this off broadcast.


Again, same thing; just disable that. Now, before we do anything, we're going to set a custom frame rate limit for the finals, so make sure already that if you don't have the finals installed, go ahead and install them, completely run the game, and then close it. So we're going to press the Windows key, type percent local app data percent, press okay, and then we're going to go to the Discovery folder.

We're going to go to saved config Windows client game user settings, and you're going to scroll the way down. You're going to find the frame rate limit. Set this on your monitors. Refresh rate And for some of you on the lower end PCS, you are just going to have to do your monitor's refresh rate because this game might not reach even your monitor's refresh rate for FPS; just cap it there; otherwise, if you're gaining a little bit more, you can app at a multiple of your monitor's refresh rate, and if you don't know what a multiple of your monitor's refresh rate is, basically just multiply your monitor's refresh rate by different numbers, and you cap at that.

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That's basically how it is, so fragment limit: just set this to whatever you want to cap it at; I'm going to do 144. Again, just because that's my moderator's refresh rate, you can pretty much leave everything here alone. I'm going to be changing most of this in game, so now we're going to launch our game and head over to the settings all right, so once you have the finals pretty much all loaded up, just go to the settings GE icon on the top right, go to setting settings, and we're going to go head over to the article now.

Window mode Just make sure this isn't full screen; there is nothing much else to that resolution. Just set it to whatever your monitor's native resolution is at, so for me, that's going to be 1920 x 1080 vsync. Always disable this new reflex LC and set this to on. However, if you're on a laptop, try testing with On Plus Boost, and if you're on a lower-end GPU, also test with On Plus Boost now.

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Resolution scaling method: this is really important if you're on a lower-end GPU. Say, a 30 or 60 or under is going to have trouble running this game at the stock settings, so if you want to use this resolution scaling method, you can test around with AMD FSR 2 and then set this down to balanced or performance, and you can do the same thing with the Nidia DLSS, which is a little more complicated.

In this case, if you're going to use Nidia DLSS, do not use Nvidia frame generation. That's going to cause a little bit of lag, so you are going to get more FPS with Nvidia frame regeneration, but it's going to cause more lag, so keep that in mind. I do not have these settings because I do not have a 40 series card, so keep that in mind.

If you have a 40 series card, you can take advantage of Nidia DLSS frame generation, but again, you're going to have the drawback of higher system latency and just the game feeling a little bit more delayed, so we're going to scroll down the field of view. This honestly depends on your personal preference.

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You can do 71 at maximum either way; it doesn't really matter; it's just your personal preference. Motion blur disables this lens. Distortion you could test around with this, but honestly, just leave this disabled Ray tracing. This to whatever the default is at or even lower rate tracing obviously makes the game look better but at the cost of less FPS, now overall quality level just everything here to low texture you could turn this up to medium, if you're on a decent GPU you could also test around with high but I just recommend setting it to medium everything else just low or off so that's pretty much it for the article tab on here all right And then we're going to go to gameplay, and if you do not want to be crossplaying, a.k.a., you do not want to be playing with other people and different devices, so that would be people that are on console or any of that, so you can turn this off if you don't want that.

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Now we're going to move into the general Windows mization, where we're going to go over some of the Windows settings that you can disable to gain performance and some of the GPU driver control panel settings that you could do to massively increase your FPS and lower your input like so. First things first, all we're going to do is press our Windows key, and this is going to open up our Windows settings.

Now we're going to go to system and we're to scroll the way down, go to Advan Display Settings, and then set this to your refresh rate. Make sure your refresh rate is set all the way to the highest. go to Graphics settings Turn off hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling. However, if you're on a 40-series GPU and if you want to use DLS frame generation, keep this on.

In this video I'll be covering the BEST in-game settings for THE FINALS which is a new FPS game. We will also be covering general windows optimizations and NVIDIA Control Panel as well as AMD Control Panel settings. Ultimate Performance Powerplan paste into CMD as admin. powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61.
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