Top 5 Throwing Knife Tips - The Finals


You came to the right place. These are the top five tips on how to throw knives, and if you're following these five tips, they promise your yeting skills are going to severely increase, but you fail to do so. I guess you are throwing flimsy floppers out this [__]. I don't know what to tell you. Tip number one: don't be afraid to miss.

Listen, as simple as it sounds, it is very nerve-wracking to Yeet knives at somebody at the slow ass fire rate that they give you. The point is to just throw a few, then aim to adjust. Throw some more, then aim to adjust. As simple as it sounds, it can be kind of difficult. You might have to adjust for that.

Focus on damage, not always the kill. Okay, this is a team-based game you play with two other teammates. You're the only person in the team who does enough damage to kill someone. It doesn't make any sense, especially when you're using a weapon. It's very niche. Focus on inflicting damage on your opponents.


Your teammates can finish the job if you go in together; that's not crazy. That way, you get at least some good assistance points. The whole team thrives. This is not a single-player game; you are going to need your teammates. Watch this hey, real quick, I do stream on Twitch. I get most of my clips from there, so if you want to see me continuously fail or succeed, go ahead over to Twitch and give me a follow.

Hey, back to article tip three: don't always overcommit. Here is where it gets juicy: overcommit. When you see that person in good health, you push as hard as you can. Don't do it. Sometimes it's best to wait it out, sit back around the corner, and watch the fire. Yeah, you thought so. I heard your knives hit the wall.

I was ready to fight your ass in step four. Use your utilities now. This is a simple tip. I'm not going to go and show a clip of it because it's probably going to be in the next bundle of clips, but use your utility if you have gas grenades, throw them, get some damage in, start throwing your knives, fire power grenades, throw them, and start throwing your knives.


Five Master, movement. When I say master, movement I don't just mean to use the throwing knives; I mean, in general, you're a light player. If you're a heavy or a medium, you need a bit of movement, but heavy players can tank everything, and mediums can tank everything. If you're a light player, move master; it will be your best friend.

Honestly, I don't think there's anything more to be said, but the clips speak for themselves. Themselves, damn he hit him quick fight the [__] behind you, you dumb [__] my God, and you still stun me, that's

The Finals the Top 5 Tips for using the throwing knives one of the more innovative videos ive ever made hopefully we can do more similar too it lets make memories.
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