Why Season 2 Will Be Better Than You Think The Finals



Season 2 is coming out tomorrow, and in this article. I would like to discuss some pain points that we have had in the community for the past 3 months, and if developers would cook them up, we would have an insanely unique and super interesting game. A lot of players would switch from their main titles, such as Apex OverWatch, and would gladly transition to play the finals full-time because of how fun this game actually is.

Ranked rework

Let me tell you, amazing, beautiful This is exactly how the system should be. We have that in OverWatch, where people are waiting for the game for 20 minutes and no one is complaining because I would rather play one quality game an hour rather than stomping noobs all over again. We would literally have a five-rank difference, and I would still see them in my games being in the top 500, Player.

Developers actually looked into that, and in their Steam update, they said that we are looking into the new league, which will bring new rewards, and people would compete there; hopefully, this is going to be some sort of FPL in CSG, where you would have really good players that are competing against each other, and then other players can play in regular ranked, without skill-based matchmaking.

Don't get me wrong. You will still have massive skill gaps between players there, but it's not going to be as extreme in comparison with what you would have before because you are just unranked. And playing against the mean ranking, for example, something is utterly wrong.

Custom lobbies

Custom lobbies

But if you look at the essence of the game, 99% of the player base would never strive to become anything more than a diamond that you can easily get just by grinding the game, so for them, custom games will be a chance to connect with people, play with friends, explore the map, and find something interesting.

Easter eggs and overall just relax after a long day at work, and it's only like 0.1% of players that were constantly asking for custom games in order to run like higher scream lobbies tournaments. All of that is very important, as it will have a lot of potential. On Twitch, people would love to see tournaments.

I feel like this game has massive potential when it comes to how unique and entertaining the pro scene is going to be in comparison with just regular stuff like OverWatch. CSGO, or even Apex, which is an absolute snoozefest. In my opinion, this is going to be absolutely incredible, and the skill ceiling is going to be so high in this game that I can't wait to watch and compete myself.

Weapon balance

Weapon balance

Weapon balance and class balance are also going to be pain points that we have been experiencing for the past 3 months. Red Barrel Nuke is still in the game for some reason; I have no idea what developers are cooking with this one.

It absolutely should never be in a game in the first place. The fact that you can reliably get one shot on the most overpowered class in the game tells me that something is utterly wrong. Another overtuned thing, in my opinion, is a heavy shotgun. I feel like they would need to bring it to the point where you won't be able to reliably pick four top heavyweights and three top mediums; this way, you will.

Make people play Lose gun which will drastically change method drastically change the way you approach cash outs It will make you go for high ground a lot more; it will make you use destruction a lot more so you can have lines of sight to see at cash outs; and it's going to encourage you to start practicing your aim; your tracking is going to get better; and overall, you will become a better player because when you were playing shotgun, you wouldn't do it; you just stagnate when it comes to aiming.

There is nothing extraordinary you have to do; you don't need to focus that much. You just go in the distance and pick up anyone that's close to you.

Class balance

Class balance

When we talk about class balance. I feel like double, heavy, or double medium are both very cringe-worthy compositions to play with and against, and one of the possible solutions developers can cook is going to be roll Q when you are choosing what you are playing, especially if you are solo queing Jesus.

That's going to be so helpful because you will be able to choose what you are playing, you will be able to choose what you want from your teammates to play, and it will match you with players that are on your level and in their respected roles, just like in OverWatch. I would assume that no one would want to play medium, so Q times for medium are going to be super fast, but then Q times for light are going to be super long because everyone wants to be the hero, everyone wants to be the superstar in the team, but ends up just being a 150 HP cockroach that's getting double RPG.

Another possible solution for that is to delete, repeat, and specialize. So you won't be able to cook up my shield plus my shield. It's going to be Mes Shield Plus, Googan, or Mes Shield Plus, Charge and Slam, or you are playing Charge and Slam and Googan. If you are Ipsy.

New weapons predictions

New weapons predictions

Like that. I also thought about an interesting prediction for new weapons that were shown in the trailer: this is going to be a shotgun for heavy This is going to be a Famas for medium and a pistol for light. One of the worst things they can do is make these weapons overpowered, just like they did in Call of Duty, just to sell more skins.

What they should do instead is that they should like test them out thoroughly for the first few days and then go for quick fixes depending on how good the weapon feels. Do not wait for weeks; do not wait for months; just get everything straight so people are going to be happy about it. In my personal opinion, none of the three weapons are going to be meta-light pistols; they will lack range, and you're just going to die from cringe from a shotgun.

You're just going to die from cringe from environmental stuff, medium Famas feels like it's going to be very unreliable, to the point where. You really would never be able to reliably kill people, just like you would with Scar and a heavy shotgun. I feel like the community has complained way too much about this type of weapon for developers to be smart about it and actually cook up the Nerf for it; hopefully this is going to be like that.



So anyway, these are my thoughts for season 2. It is going to be tomorrow, in about 20 or so hours.

With the postage of this article, hopefully we're going to get an amazing season. I cannot wait for that. I cannot wait to play. I can't wait to compete.

In this video, we'll talk about exciting season 2 that will come out on 14th of march to The Finals.