Make Light Great Again. The Finals Guide For Season 2 Build

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As you need it later for our next steps, if you notice that you're pulling opponents away from the cash out, for example, towards you, then you're actually doing a great job. Just continue to back off and escape if you're under pressure and go to regenerate your health. Once you start to see opponents stealing the cash out, that's when you can place down the second gateway, use the vanishing grenade, and then enter it with your stun gun ready to go.

Essentially, your goal here is to identify the player who's stealing the cash, hit them with that stun gun, and then Escape In some scenarios, you'll basically be able to re-enter the gateway again and then basically take a one-vs.-one fight if, for some reason, the opponent decides to enter it too.


You can use the gateway to basically go in and out of that state, basically frustrating players, and you know, you could also combine it with your dash when needed to basically survive for as long as possible. Of course, this scenario does get pretty wild, but it's actually really fun. Just make sure again you're kind of aware of the cash out when the second attempt after you've done the stun gun is being stolen, in which you may have to basically commit your life to stopping.

Hopefully, during this whole time your team is actually, you know, dealing some form of damage or doing something rather than just standing out in the open, which again you can kind of use this movement of the gateway to kind of go in and out tricking your opponent. Okay, so let's say you struggle taking the first defense.

You know, maybe your team got coined. For example, what I see players not doing much is actually using the free camera to identify potential spots for your next attack. For example, if I don't get third party and I just get simply wiped by a single player, your team might actually have a cash out, which is like 50%.

And it could be contested in a 3v3 fight for example, and I actually prefer to target those cash outs to go to next because, firstly, you know, for those players, and we've had it before, third parties are annoying, right, but being able to attack as a three when there's some, like, a 2v1 fight, is a really nice scenario for an easy steal.

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This is just simply because it's highly likely that players fighting for this cash out have burned through a lot of their gadgets, and then obviously could also be quite low on their health for roughly the middle stage of the game, you're going to essentially repeat what you did at the start again, you know, take the gateway Set it up to teleport with the vault if you're unsuccessful; with that, again, just regroup.

Or wait for the respawn and then prepare to attack the attacking side of things. I actually like to have the gateway sort of a mix between the cash out and a safety point again. You can use the gateway to hop in Deal damage and then hop out, but just remember that again, opponents can obviously enter this teleport as well.

But I would say it's not the smartest option if they did because they're basically leaving the actual Cash Out site right. If you do have comms, then essentially you can place the vanishing Grenade on your whole team as well as initiate a fight to then catch the other players off guard and then exit.


Now remember that you also have the stun gun, and I'm a heavy Main, and I've noticed that a lot of the time I see lights, kind of using the stun gun on me way too close to fights. If you see a heavy around, let's say 10 m away, it's a good option to obviously initiate on it as the hit fire for that range is obviously quite wide, but I've noticed that when you guys kind of stun me.

I'm still able to kind of take that fight unless you extend that range back a little bit more now. Obviously, you can rinse and repeat the strategies that we've mentioned here for attacking and defending. You will need to really learn how these gadgets can be utilized, and honestly, on top of that, solo queueing is really difficult in this game.


Really try to kind of take solo queuing in this game as a training ground-style experience. When you eventually find a team to queue up with because you know then you can kind of bring this knowledge that you've gained into a team and build up strategies, from there on you will be frustrated, but you know that's just the you know the experience the road map of learning.

Light players have become "looked down" upon in this game, and it's time to change that. Today we are going to focus on balancing between our strengths of dealing damage and our abilities to protect the cashouts.
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