The Finals - New Patch Update 2.1.1. New Anti-cheat & Fixes. More Community Skins

new map

It seems to be a struggle for some people, but we do have a suggestion here, which is just to go invis and use the stun gun to get them down to at least a low health amount or one shot, and then go and Quick Melee them. This seems to be a nice tip, and I know people appreciated the PO shift recommendation last time, so I figured I'd just feature this one here, so if you are struggling with that challenge specifically, it seems like it's good to just run invis light and run the stun gun and then get that Quick Melee once you get them down low on health, which seems fairly obvious but a decent one there to run that equipment load now.

I actually dropped another article today, which is on the ranked mode or the ranked tournament mode again. I did cover this in one of my previous articles about how ranking actually worked and how it came together with the different Fame points and how they're hidden. Below is the description now, as we did have that community skin last time, where people recommended, or somebody did recommend, that they wanted a cardboard shield.

And now we have a bunch of cardboard, skins inside the actual shop, and bundles. We have a ton of people coming out with their ideas now for the community skins. This typically happens every time with different games. Once they answer the community's questions, they usually come up with a lot of different ideas.

new season

We have a ton of cool ones here, like the defibrillator and the skin idea, which is the finger guns. This actually was a pretty unique one, and I definitely enjoyed this one here, so maybe they do add some type of defibrillator or equipment skin there. We also have this one for the riot shield and the bat or the sword, which is the Little Tykes riot shield.

Definitely a unique choice here, and pretty cool overall. I have to say we have some one here with the pirate-themed skins overall, which is pretty cool because there is some stuff with cannons around the map, so they definitely turn around with some Medieval Time stuff, and this is definitely too souit the par there; they've obviously taken a lot of inspiration, around a lot of ideas and a lot of different maps and a lot of different skins.

There's so many things within the finals that kind of represent different areas of the world, or like the lore of the world, which also pertains to the times in the world, which I definitely could see them doing some medieval stuff here. There's another cool skin here. There's been so much cool stuff to be able to post, but this one is from Arizona.


Green te concept, this one's for the F car, where someone did make a funny comment here saying if it's not 99 cents, I'm out. It's pretty funny overall, and they would definitely have to work with Arizona. On this one, to get this one in the actual game, they have ASO. Already with the energy drink, I'm not really sure if they're going to put that there, but it would be cool to see them have actual in-game marketers like this.

I know it's been mentioned before because the game actually does have quote-unquote sponsors for the arena. I do wonder if that's the eventual long-term play after they have some sort of backstory, with their own sponsors if they want to look for the actual IRL sponsors and get those in game. There's definitely a lot of cool things that they can do with this game, and I'm really excited for the future of it overall.

That's about the cover for today's article. If you like, subscribe, and the

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