The Finals Season 2 Is Insane. Gameplay, Impressions, And Everything New

There's also the data reshaper. A gadget that turns existing stuff in the environment into other stuff I'll be honest, I'm having a hard time trying to come up with good use cases for this one. I think you can essentially morph, say, mines or turrets into something else, but you have to get pretty close to do it, so I'll be curious to see if this becomes a desirable, pick-and-pick or just kind of a neat, wonky little thing you can do.

There's now an anti-gravity grenade, which is kind of neat, and I need to explore the use cases for this one a bit further. Again, I'm not sure if messing with the world with this one is going to be as useful as just straight-up killing players or blowing things up, so we'll again see if this one gets a lot of use.

The light class gets a portal grenade now, which is very cool. I can see this one being super useful for certain metas. I think it'll need a bit more practice and sort of intimate map knowledge to know when is the best time to use them, but it's kind of a big brain play compared to something like just throwing C4 and blowing things up.

Overall, it seems like Embark is giving players a lot more tools to explore their game world, and I'm all for it. I'm also really digging the whole theme of this season with the hacking and glitching and the Wild Colors. It seems like they're really trying to make the game more accessible, less grindy, and give us more ways to play it with friends without really watering down the whole experience.

In my opinion, the 5v5 mode is one of the highlights, and it's kind of like a real party mode experience that takes the cool stuff from Payload or other games like Overwatch and Team Fortress 2 and throws in a ton of crazy destruction that you get with the finals and just lets you have fun breaking the meta with a full team of Heavies sledgehammering their way through everything in sight.

And for the series players, there's now a ton more tools and an improved matchmaking system to try and take your serious competitive gaming to the next level. Embark is showing how quickly they can ingest feedback and get it implemented into the game, and I'll be honest, I'm impressed. The speed at which they're doing things is pretty uncommon for a large development team, and I know that's sort of key to their company's philosophy of using all the latest tools in tech to get things done and iterate quickly.

If they can keep this up, then I think the finals have a very bright future. I'm excited to hear what you guys think about the final update when it drops.

I got to try out THE FINALS Season 2 update and it brings a ton of great things with it, including a new mode that's a TON of fun.
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