The Finals - 10 Things You Didn't Know About Season 2

10 things about season 2 of

The next one I want to talk about is placement progress so there's eight games to play so I'm not sure if it's going to be like a soft reset so if you were Diamond last season and you win all eight games will you be backing Diamond so I'm not really sure about that you can see as well that the league rewards for season 2, some nice things as well you got a gold, like light machine gun you got the MP5 in Platinum and then you got the F car for diamond, and for the new game mode it plays a lot like OverWatch and I think it's really cool that the moving platform just goes through any buildings it has no chill and it just goes absolutely through the wall which is absolutely crazy giving you insane place, but have you also seen the coins underneath the platform to make it move, but number five I want to talk quickly about the circuits and stuff like that, so when you get your career XP, you're a rookie.

Challenger Circuit. Pro Circuit, and Master Circuit: You can see the pro circuit is in 31 days, and then you've got the master circuit in 59 days, so we'll be able to unlock you new juicy content through these. You can see that these two on the right are blurred, and you can see this one here on page 31.

It's like a little white mask that looks kind of cool, but at the moment I can show you the Challenger circuit, so let's go through that so you can see on this screen here you got your da Le. Just so you know, for rookies, you got stage one of the Challenger circuit, so you got all these to complete.

10 things you didnt know about season 2

It's a bit like, you know, the spotlight events, but if you go into the Challenger circuit we've got here, it's a little miniature battle pass. You got 8, 000 XP, you got a pair of gloves, and you can get like the full outfit. But if we move through the pages, you get a pair of glasses. More XP, and what I really, really like is the balac clava for number three; it looks kind of badass, and on the next page they are all unlocked, so it''s cool to see what they are.

If you didn't know, by now there are three new eapons. I've already made a article on my YouTube channel if you want to go check that out, but it's for a Famas, a shotgun, and a pistol. In this clip, I'm using the gravity grenade, which pushes the cash point up so you can push the cash point further up, meaning it's more exposed if you're using a sniper or whatever.

With other types of weapons, you can just look at that location, which makes it very, very hard to take it, but you can see it here. I'm using the gravity grenade to get back up. Unfortunately, I killed him too late, but I wanted to show you this clip anyway. As I've already said. I've made a article about the new weapons in more detail, but you can see here that the new shotgun can actually shoot the last dummy in the firing range, which is absolutely insane even though it's only got six bullets.

10 tips

So for number nine, I was really mesmerized by the actual background of the new season. I'm so used to seeing the red, but I was wondering where this came from. So when you play the new map horizon, or Sy Ys Horizon, I think that's what it's called. You actually see the same background in the map in the back, so you can see here that the glow goes up, and it kind of gives me a bit of a halo vibe, but I just thought this was really cool, and I don't think many people will notice it straight away.

And another one I really want to talk about really quickly. I've already made a article on this, but you can actually get inside the massive shiny ball. All you need to do is use a light class and have the portal grenades on, and then you can go in and then outside of it if you want to go see how I got in.

I made a article on it already, but this is a really good location to be because there's a cash point here and I feel like it could be quite useful, and that is pretty much it, guys. Those are 10 things that I found out while I was playing the early access event.

Please note that some of the information I am about to share may become outdated quickly. However, since I had the opportunity to play the game early, I thought it would be helpful to share it with you all once the embargo is lifted. This way, you can have access to information that you might not be aware of before the release of Season 2.
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