The Finals Season 2 Is Amazing

Nukes no mo

Nukes no mo

Like the little cocktails, people were making the nukes, so let's say, for example, someone made a nuke and they put an explosive mine and a C4 onto one of the orange barrels. If let's say the C4 had the most explosive power out of that little cocktail, the C4 would only do 60% of its original damage, and then say the second highest explosive power thing in that nuke was the orange barrel; it would do 40% of its original damage, and then if the explosive mine was the least powerful of the three, it would get a 30% damage modifier, which means it would only do 30% of its original intended damage.

everything new in

The red propane tanks now immediately wobble if something's attached to them when you pick up objects with explosives on them. E nukes they become unarmed and only start rearming once you throw them so no more of this chunking and just hitting the old clicky immediately also if you detonate an explosive before it's properly armed it only does 20% of its original damage so in the past Heavies would throw C4s on the floor and before they were primed before you could actually detonate them they just shoot them with an RPG, and now if they do that and it's not armed yet it'll only do 20% of its original damage the devs also left a note in the patch notes Here for us that says nukes were a hot button issue in season 1 the previous tuning made nukes exceed the intended Time to Kill by a large margin since our initial changes weren't substantial enough to alter this tactic we've added more ways to bounce nukes moving forward, yeah Embark good job good job Embark.

Balance changes

Balance changes

Seconds up from 0.1, seconds, don't worry, we're almost done now. To the rest of the balance changes, the amount of C4 that can be carried by Heavies is now one instead of two, along with a cooldown buff and a minimum damage to the defibs.

Weapon balances

finals season 2 gameplay

Seconds up from 6 seconds that it was previously and it now lasts 6 seconds instead of five on the respective user of said invisibility bomb and as an avid invisibility bomb rat myself I love that and the mes Shield got a few tweaks home stretch now boys I promise we almost through these patch notes weapon tuning the akm caught some damage and fall off nervs but don't worry my fellow akm Brethren it's not really that noticeable like at range it's going to feel a wee bit weaker but I didn't notice anything substantial, the F car The Golden Child of the mediums caught the same damage falloff modifier Nerf at max range as the akm so sadly the F car still beams but at least has some competition now with the Famas and heavy sorry the Lewis gun got a recoil Nerf during substained fire but everyone is still running it me included so it's really not that bad the M11.

My boy, the oppaa, got a hip-fire buff, and the xp54 got a hip-fire nerf. I feel like they did this to give each gun its own personality. I'm not mad at it because before, the XP54 could compete with the 11, in terms of hip-fire, and it also had a scope, so it was just overall kind of better, but now with the hip-fire Nerf for the XP54.

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