The "new" Meta Light Build The Finals Season 2

There, I accidentally Dax backwards, which was a big mistake. I absolutely, almost, died there. My teammate's fighting, and I need a heal, so I'm going to play it a little slower. I'm going to hit this with a glitch. I tried to, but I actually missed that. I'm going to drop down here. He's going to overcommit on me, probably, so we just play Under the Stairs for when he does.

light gameplay

Yep, reading him like a book, and I think that was a team wipe so we're chilling, go ahead and head over to cash out be it's something that that's like a skill you're going to want to try and like think about I think you have to be like actively thinking about it while playing to improve at it but trying to predict what your opponents are going to do read their plays, and then you know react accordingly and try to be a step ahead basically that's like a huge key and something that you really want to be thinking about and trying to work on is just predicting what your enem is going to do being a step, ahead thought I heard some buddy coming up here got a nice angle here and I'm going to go ahead and throw that glitch, hit him with the glitch no shield for that guy nice and then last one is a light player not sure where he was but I'm still weak so I'm going to try to just fall back here a little bit now we can push in.

Zooming is going to hit this with a glitch, but he's already gone. I was going to hit him with a glitch, but he was already down. I'm going to grab my teammate and do a little repositioning. This is an awful spot for Res, but I am going to stick with it. It's two guys there. I'm going to drop a frag here for the chase, and then we're going to create space.

light meta

They're going to run into the fragment and keep chasing. He's got one HP. I have to push this guy. Nice we get it, and we saw the teammate get that guy as well. One more time, he fell down low. Clean them all up, just like. That, basically what I did there is isolated One V ones right so when you're in a 1v3, you want to use the Angles and the cover around you to turn it into three 1 V ones if possible you're fighting a really good team they're going to know to push you together right so they're not going to give you the 1 V ons but if you fight a team that is kind of disconnected like that you use the cover around you use the angles around you, and you turn that 3v1 into three 1 V ons that's something I've been doing for a long time in games like Apex games like war zone I used to play fortnite, so that translates really well to a game like this that isolating your 1 V ones even valerant all games really if you can learn to isolate your 1 V ones it's huge, got to get out of there that was a little crazy I don't really know what was going on we got a team rolling up behind us that guy's one HP teammate cleans him up.


I like this out of my teammate, whom I don't really know. I'm going to just watch over this and make sure we get this result. Off i don't know where that gas came from either, and then we can head on over to here and look to steal Cash Out Orange. Just a light and a heavy over here; they're already missing a teammate, but he'll probably respawn soon if they don't get the res.

It i Dro down because I know that's an easy 1 V one and this dude's just going to chase, so I turn that into a 1 V one last guy's up top, so they can't get any of the references because we know last guy's up here. I'm going to look for a glitch grenade to disable his shields. Start, hit that now he has basically no defense and we just land on him, throw a stun, clean it up those guys just gave me that.


I mean, dropping down just turns it into a 1 V one next guy drop down same exact concept as the last fight, and you don't want to force it, you got to let the other team kind of make mistakes and on light especially. I just move around so much that they tend to chase, and it kind of opens up those opportunities for me, so that was another perfect example, and using the util, the glitch canceled the heal canceled any dome they had honestly, which caused them to panic.

new map

That's probably why they dropped down, so glitch grenade fry grenade stung grenade or stung gun really solid combo right here on light. Again, I'm going to drop on this, no. Guy, we take that, that hit the perfect escape on accident yeah we can go to cash out C here why not we're kind of dominating this match this is definitely like I said I definitely think this is the light meta and I can tell because I feel really dominant right now with this build it's felt really nice we got two teams rolling in here this is a perfect third, party that's a free kill we'll be taking it and I reload on my way over and I'm looking to glitch grenade in here to start accidentally fell I'm going to try and see if I can open this up with a stun grenade cancel the res with that stun but I saw a guy behind me right here right here right here I'm going to throw a nade so he can't Peak, nice I'm playing around my teammate here as.

Smoked, that zoomed across, which might have isolated his teammate. I don't know where they went all right, so a team did start a cash out. We are going to have to go on over to cash out. Hey, so we're going to zoom on over there, using the dash to just move around the map that had an RPG. I'm going to have to be careful about that.

I don't really like that fragment. I wish I hadn't thrown it, to be honest. Use that to try and block the RPG if he was going to throw it, and I'm going to just hit a complete rewrap here because they're so worried about me. They're just going to be watching that angle, and since we're so far ahead, it doesn't really matter, so I'm not too worried about the cash out; I'm just going to go look for some kills here.

I think I can, and that might go.

In this The Finals, YouTube Video, I have another The Finals Gameplay for you guys today! In this The Finals Light Gameplay I am also going to be giving you guys a ton of The Finals Tips and The Finals Tips and Tricks! This is one of my BEST The Finals Season 2 Gameplays by far and I think we cover a bunch of really great The Finals Ranked Tips and The Finals Season 2 Tips as well, as I also go over The Finals Meta in Season 2.