Will Light Be Meta Season 2. The Finals

Smoke grenade

Smoke grenade

Next, we have the smoke grenade, which, in theory, feels like it could be good again, like a lot of these things, but the smoke effect is kind of weak. I can pretty clearly see people through smoke a lot of the time, and on top of that, the cooldown is one of the longest for gadgets at 45 seconds, which I think is the same cooldown as the RPGs, or somewhere around there you do get two of them, so that is the difference, but 45 just feels like a bit too much for what it is, and this ends up making it something that is really hard to rely on for every fight.

I'd like to simply see a shorter cooldown on it, and then we can kind of see where it stands after that. It might need a buff after that, but I think that's a pretty good first step.


Last but not least, we have the flashbang, something that isn't too bad and probably an underrated gadget, but it just feels like the window you have from when the enemy gets flashed to when you can get near them to shoot is about the same window.


The flash lasts, meaning that around the time that they're flashing. By the time you get there, they're already out of that flash, so it's not the worst, but it just isn't bringing as much to the table as other gadgets, and when you can just spam like two frag grenades in there and potentially get a kill or get them really weak, that just feels like it's doing a little bit more than the flashes, so I'd like to see potentially a longer effect as long as it doesn't become annoying and spammable.

I think this is a very tricky gadget to balance, so right now I'd be cautious about how they approach this one, but potentially a bigger radius and a slightly longer flash time could be the right approach, but again. I'm not too sure.

Will light be meta?

Will light be meta?

So light will be meta. Well, I mean, in terms of quick play and banket and every solo Q player you ever get ranked, it kind of already is meta, isn't it, but in terms of high ELO. Light just kind of isn't there yet. I think a lot of people that are in High ELO are able to use light, but I'd say if you ask them, they're probably just using it because it's fun and not necessary, because it is the strongest thing, or that is meta, or it's on par.

Light is too fun?


And we have been seeing a lot of rule changes to scrims and stuff, so some of them are kind of allowing lights to kind of get through, but in terms of, like, where the baseline of the game is light, it just kind of feels a little bit weaker , but since it is so fun, we kind of see it picked very often, and I think in my recent poll we had, heavy being the least fun class, medium being the next, and then the most fun being light, so I think when it comes to a lot of the pick decisions, a lot of people are just picking what's fun, and I think that's kind of getting a little confusing on what is and what isn't meta.

I think buffing stuff to be a bit more fun for the heavy class could be good, and by buff, I don't necessarily mean making it stronger. But say something like taking the RPG, having its damage, giving them to the RPGs, and then allowing you to rocket jump so you could potentially shoot the ground, maybe do like five dam damage or no damage to yourself, remove that self-damage from the explosion, and allow you to, you know, jump up on top of buildings or be able to hit a jump pad, then rocket jump for an even further jump, maybe using C4 as a way to jump around again.


Half the damage allows you to use it to jump around. I think certain things like that could make the heavy class a lot more enjoyable to play. I think you would end up seeing more people pick it up, and at the same time, you could potentially remove that really powerful explosive damage now. I'm not saying that is the balance that they should go with; I'm just giving you an example of ways to make the heavy class, which seems to be one of the classes that a lot of people don't really have fun with and just make it more enjoyable.

I think medium right now is a pretty common pick, so I don't know if that really needs to have too much tweaking, but I think if they are trying to balance the game around casuals and making it very fun. I think that is a fantastic approach because you can do two things in one you can make, making all the classes much more enjoyable to play, making them really fun while also balancing out the competitive side of it, which is kind of a happy medium for everybody, but again.


I'm not saying that what I'm suggesting is the correct balance change. I'm just saying that there are different approaches to how they could balance the game that I think could even out the pick rate and not have it so that banket and quick play and stuff are dominated by lights, whereas rank seems to be very dominated by the medium and heavy meta. Now back to the light class.

Another way to balance light

Another way to balance light

I think one of the best suggestions that I've heard is a shorter HP regen window, so instead of something like 10 seconds, it might be a 5-second window. This could allow lights to play their role where they get in and out much better and be able to do much more in fights.

Or maybe they're in a perfect spot balance-wise. The developers did amazing with the first season, and I'm really looking forward to more content. He was a shotgun. He's behind the wall; he's just standing directly behind that wall. He's got a shotgun, so he's trying to close the gap. That's what he's trying to do.

Ni nice I'll.

Bonus clip

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