The Finals Patch 2.6 Needs This


What I got for you today is what I believe needs to be added to patch 2.6 for the finals. Quickly before the article starts, I want to ask if you're new here and haven't already. And lastly, I want to say that this article is all from my opinion or perspective about the finals. If some of you don't know already, the finals 2.6, patch, or midseason are just around the corner.

Now some of you have my comments. Below, I have been asking: Hey Duck, what do you think should be added to patch 2.6 for the finals? Although my wish list ideas might be very broad, I'm hoping that some type of change could be implemented by this measure. Now, the first item on my list, just like probably many other creators or players in general, is that I would like to see some type of shift in The Meta, or just a complete change in general.

finals patch

Now, there's a lot of things that fit in this meta change that I wish for to quickly sum up what I would like to see change, Is that for the light class? I would like to see some type of Nerf either on the lh1, the xp54, or perhaps even both of the weapons. I would like to see more options available for players that play ranked or even casually, as by now we all know that the lh1 and the xp54 are super dominant in the finals, and staying on the topic of the light class in terms of gadgets that we see for the light No matter what type of play style you're using for the light class, you're primarily using the stun gun and glitch grenade from patch 2.6.

I'm not saying that the other light gadgets are completely terrible or useless; they're all still very useful in their own regard.

However, the stun gun and glitch grenade are just too useful not to use them again. I am asking for a lot, but hopefully they can tweak it throughout the game's development. But when we look at the light classes and specializations, most players only really care about two specials, which are both the evasive dash and the cloaking device.

Now I really want there to be an option for where the grapple can be useful. Don't get me wrong. The grapple hook can be useful with the lh1 and sniper at range, but out of the three options, it's still not the best pick over the other two, so for patch 2.6. I would like to see them either address the grab-a-hook by talking about what they plan to do or maybe just change it in General now.


Another factor of this meta change that I'm hoping for in patch 2.6 is the medium class. The medium class has been super dominant since the game's release. I'm hoping that this patch 2.6 really addresses the issue of the medium class so that there's more viable options or other options in general to use for the medium class.

Now, my wish for the medium class is that we're able to play other guns besides the F car, have the ability to use other specials besides just the healing beam, and perhaps even use other gadgets besides the defib. Now, in terms of the weapons of the medium class, one of my wishes in terms of the F car is that they reduce the amount of damage it does, perhaps even lowering the ammo count in general.

the finals

I would also like to see the other weapons get some more limelight. Instead of just constantly changing the recoil pattern of the Famas. I would love to see a buff that increases the amount of damage it does; however, some people might say Hey Duck The faces feel perfectly fine. The recoil is very nice, and I believe it does enough damage as it's a burst weapon.

However, when you put a Famas in a 1V car, typically the F car will come out on top. I see it when you add a new weapon to the game. I want a reason to play those new weapons. If weapons such as the FC car and LH1 are still dominant over the weapons you just added, there's pretty much no reason to use the new weapons at all.

I'd rather see new weapons that are being introduced, being completely overpowered. Rather than being underpowered by those weapons being overpowered, hopefully they can help change the meta much more now. When it comes to the specials for the medium class, you're primarily looking at the healing beam.

Now, in terms of my wish for the medium specials, my wish is that they address the issue that the healing beam is pretty strong and that it definitely needs to be looked over. Whatever change they may make is completely up to them, but I personally would like to see some type of change. I also talked about these classic changes in my last article about the current state of the finals meta now when it comes to medium gadgets.

There are two gadgets that always come to mind when we look at what the medium uses, one being the jump PAD, which is just good in general and helps your team get it around, and one specific gadget, the defib. Now I would like to see some type of change where you can have the option of using other gadgets that could easily replace the defibs orb to be able to switch it in and out, whether that's a new gadget in general or just a rework of the defibs.

Now moving on to my wish list for the heavy class Just like my light and medium wish lists, we're going to start off with my wish list of weapons. Now, when it comes to the weapons of the heavy class, just like in my last article, there's two primary weapons that you'll be looking at: the SA1 1216, or heavy shotgun, and the loose gun.

Now, when it comes to the loose gun for the heavy class, I previously stated that I feel like the Nerf to the recoil of the loose gun was unjust, and as I'm a man of my words, I'll stick to that. I wouldn't mind seeing the reversion of The Recoil Nerf, but on the flip side, I can definitely see why other players like that Nerf as if you weren't dying to the sa26.

Or heavy shotgun. You were definitely dying of a gun previously. Now in patch 2.6. I wouldn't mind them saying anything about the Lewis gun, but one wish I might have is that since they changed the recoil. I wouldn't mind a buff for the damage, but that's just me when it comes to the heavy shotgun or the SA 1216.

I want to quickly say that I understand why the heavy shotgun should be strong because, quite frankly, it is a shotgun and should do the most damage up close, but it shouldn't have terrorized the finals for so long, so I'm glad they nerfed it, but I still would like to see another Nerf of the heavy shotgun.

I would also like to see a damage decrease or a rate of fire change again. Now, I think if you do both of the Nerfs, it would completely remove the shotgun from the game, essentially. However, if you do one of the Nerfs, it still puts the shotgun in a decent spot, but it gives you the option to use other weapons as the shotgun won't be completely overpowered anymore.
