The Finals Patch 2.6 Needs This

Now, when it comes to the specials of the heavy, there's only one special you really look at, and that is the mesh shield, and yes. I know they changed it to 750 HP, but I feel to really Nerf the mesh shield, just like in my last article. I think they should change the speed of which you can pop the mesh and close it, thus removing that super easy Gap close with the mesh shield in general.

Now, when it comes to the heaviest gadgets, we always see one primary gadget always used no matter how you play the class, and that is the dome shield. Now, the dome shield has been nerfed quite a lot, and they were all well-deserved nerfs. However, as you already have the mesh shield, the dome shield, and the barricade, I believe with all those things one should be nerfed, and I think it's the dome shield, unfortunately.

Again, I just feel like something needs to be done so that you have options for playing with other gadgets. Now. I'm not saying that this specific gadget is the only one you should be looking at to use; however. I feel like it's been in the meta for too long and should be changed to let other gadgets shine.

Now that pretty much sums up my wish list for the class topic, my next part of my wish list is things that could be changed but could definitely take a while. I'm not saying that they need to be done for patch 2.6, but I would just like to see them addressed. Now, as I snipe in a lot of games, I feel that the CL40, or the sniper for the light class in the finals, definitely feels a little weird.

I'll be honest; sometimes there's a person standing still right in front of me, and I'm also standing still. I aim for shoot, and it misses now when it comes to the hit registration or the bullet registration for the sniper for the light class; it's definitely a little off, and I really wish they would fix this to allow sniping to be a little more useful in the game, but that change could just be a general server issue, so that might take a little time to work on.

That server registration issue definitely reflects itself back onto the dagger, as there's many times that I believe and my viewers believe that some of the backstabs should have definitely been kills. However, for some reason, it misses or just gives me a hit marker. Now again, this might be another server issue or net code issue, which I hope they try to address or even change for patch 2.6.

Now I still have hope and potential for this game. I understand that the dev team is on the smaller side, but there's times where there's issues that are not really fixed. I know one patch a week is really good for a smaller team, but I would like to see them address bigger issues. Besides just tweaking, security issues, and other issues in the game, my next wish is to change the time it takes per season.

In my eyes, 90 days is a little too long. For example, if you reach diamond and earn that diamond weapon, you have to wait 90 days to equip it. In my eyes, at that point, you pretty much forgot about that weapon skin. Now, I understand that you could use all of that time to unlock all of the battle passes and so on, but there's definitely a point where these types of things definitely need to speed up.

Lastly, my next wish is for the MMR, or rank system, although they have added that you can get placed with other players at the same skill level, which is always very nice. As of season 1, you could be in the top 100, like myself, going against people that just installed the game. I never really understood that, but I'm glad they changed it in season 2, but with season 2, there wasn't really a ranking of how close you were to ranking up or D ranking, and then they finally added the ability to see how many arrows there were.

Game rounds are what it takes to rank up, but even with those indications at the end of the game, stuff never really gave you a good idea of how close you were to ranking up, as people have told me that they won their game, got all three arrows, and still didn't rank up the Aros system that they have added now.

I would like to see them keep the same skill. Matching quote, unquote, but just remove this Arrow system that they added or whatever and go back to their old FP system. With that, you were really able to tell how close you were to ranking up and dranking. Although this arrow system, or whatever you want to call it, was definitely new and unique, in terms of a player, it was definitely more confusing to use the arrow system.

it to use the system, and to this day. Now, people could say you just need to get the three arrows and rank up; however. I have done this, and many other players have gotten all three arrows and never ranked up, and that was my last wish to try to fix the matchmaking again. It greatly helps me out.

But anyway, I hope you have a great day, and I'll catch you in the next one.
