The Finals Ranked Tips (for Beginners)


After playing the finals for about 100 hours, I've come up with a few tips to help beginners understand the basic mechanics of rank. When you first load into the match, the first thing you should be looking at is the distance between vaults 1 and 2. It looks like our arena has been loaded without mishap this time, and I bet our contestants will want to leave an impression.

Stand i'm going to in the situation where one of your teammates dies while going for the first vault, it's a good idea to throw the vault box and your teammate statue until you get into a safe spot to revive. Doing this allows you to use your weapon or your equipment to defend yourself in case an enemy approaches.

Let's see how they bounce. As you can see right here, an enemy team was right behind us. If they were any sooner, I would have been able to dash out of danger and fight them off. Going Once the first cashout is done, you want to go to the nearest vault as soon as possible to start the next cashout.

When you have the vault, pay attention to where the other vault is going. Try not to double dip unless you and your team are cracked at the game. Once you get the cash out, begin setting up your defenses. Dore stairs set up motion sensors, block access points, and so forth. The overdogs will need to come back from that wipeout; they lost the scent of victory.


At that time, the jet setter has cash in it. Sometimes you lose a cash out and get the team liked, but the game generally spawns you near the other cash out in progress. Once you spawn, head to it immediately and take it for yourselves. Once you rob them of a bag, all you have to do is defend it until it's done.

Place yourself in strategic positions so you can cover all angles of the cash, out looking for the ultra rares they bagged a cash out going. Thal, look, a new vault is ready to be opened. The overdogs have recovered, so you're in the top two and in the process of moving on to the next round. A mistake I see too often is teams that are already moving to the next round opening the next vault to start another cash out.

What you want to do is just stay alive while making sure that no other team is going to start a cash out what you want to do is just stay alive while making sure that no other team is going to start a cash, out Ault now When you come into a situation like this, all you have to do is look at the timer.


If the timer is 1 minute or less until the end of the match, just make sure you stay alive and kill any team that's trying to start a cashout. Outs motion sensor active motion sensor up toggling thermal, that's the buzzer, Fantastic performance from all involved. The ultra rares are initiating, although moving to the next R is nice, and all that doesn't mean it's smooth sailing from there; it actually gets a little harder.

This is where team coordination needs to improve. Team coordination is vital, but sometimes we play with randoms, so we don't have good communication. As in this article, I was playing with randoms, so you can see it wasn't going to be too hot for us to disappear. The B has to respond to the responsibility of disappearing.

the finals

Who wants it? More contestants have 30 seconds to show the world, and the ultra rares are facing a full team wipe with one contestant left. Things look rough in the boundless, but the remaining contestants could turn things around. I plan on making more content in the future to help you all successfully climb the ranks and one day become a pro player.

If you guys are interested in watching me stream, go ahead and check out my page on Twitch. It's KS Divinity, just like my in-game name, and until next.

This Video is the start of a multi part series I will do on how to rank up effectively in The Finals.
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