How I Got 53 Kills Heavy Diamond 1 Ranked Tournament Win The Finals Breakdown

It ultimately leads us to losing this fight and getting wiped out, which seems to usually happen for us. We tend to really chase down kills, resulting in either. Overextending, or just being in bad positions in general. And making us full wipe for no reason for whatsoever, so something to take away from this is to really learn how to position yourself in the right place as what I thought would be a good rep ultimately resulting in US wiping, but after a quick team wipe we decided to push for the next Vault and stop wasting our time we were quickly met with the orange team which we quickly eliminated and got out of our way even having the double back and try to get rid of the rest of them we were pretty confident in wiping orange quickly as they didn't have a mesh player as their heavy which resulted in us freely jumping on top of their backline as the Vault was pushed into se he wanted to go for a steal for on them, and here was a really good play I decided to go for a flank, which fjc was smart enough to follow.

As we knew the general location of where they were fighting, it would be in our best interest to go in a different direction than where other teams would typically go, so this flank allowed us to easily wipe Pink by dropping a nuke in RPG. Quickly finishing off with the shotgun. We were only able to finish off one team.

Orange managed to jump on top of my other teammates. I tried to recover as best I could here again, as we know he doesn't have a mesh. I'm trying to avoid it as best I can. I managed to get one of the healers, but I wasn't able to get the other medium, and that ultimately resulted in me getting teab bagged by this random player and just a little karma.

We come back and full-wipe orange, and after about 3 seconds, we eliminate them off the vault, not allow them to put it in, and give them a chance to qualify, and we end that round with about 17 kills. Next, moving on to the third round, we got quickly wiped off the start, so it was cut there, and we decided to go straight for a.

We went through the windows, as there's two entrances, rather than the door, so that we're not placed in a terrible choke. I whiff a lot of shots but we managed to kill the one medium orange here as the enemy heavy had a RPG out is my job to try to get as close as I can to him with my shield out so he try to do as much damage to himself as he could orange wiped and came back and I got a nice Barrel flank on them which resulted in a super quick wipe on them for some reason the orange medium was shooting at me and just didn't react here I go for another barrel and, completely whiff it I'm talking like the worst barrel I've ever done in my entire life but we're able to manage to get the trades out which is fine then since the spawns are messed up forever reason we literally spawn on top of orange, hopefully they fix this.

Soon, after that wipe, we go for orange again, which is on C. They just wiped us, managing to dump one red player outside on the roof again, trying to maintain this height. Then we're dropping down on top of them, managing to save my teammate's trunks here, and trying to get rid of this other medium player.

I throw smoke down to try to help block him, as I don't have my bubble up, and I know it's a light, so I want to be able to shoot instead of body blocking. Luckily, the light misses his stun, and I'm able to finish the elim on him. Red keeps coming back, so we keep wiping it. After wiping them, we quickly move around to the next cash out to either try to stall or to try to wipe Orange, who has the cash out currently.

As we thought they were a very big nuisance, we did our best to try to deal with them as best we could. However, it didn't really go as planned as we thought, and we ended up wiping, which was truly unfortunate, but we still managed to secure the qualifier because we managed to get the double cash out in the beginning.

That round was a little sloppy for me, and I only managed to drop about 11 kills, which is on the lower end of what I usually do. Vegas so then, moving on to the final round, which is probably going to be a double heavy medium team as we know it's a double heavy medium team, we can definitely abuse the fact that we can stay in the fight for a longer time as we're running double heal for this specific comp right now.

We thought we had a really good plan of sending someone out to bait for them, but it just really didn't work out. Although the plan didn't really work out. I managed to get one kill on the one heavy, and I was able to get the other heavy down quickly too, but since I was left alone, it was just me versus everyone else.

I could have easily won the fight had Medium not had his reaction. After that wipe, they quickly threw it in, and we decided to go through High Ground. I made a hole in the roof, giving us a really easy loss. They throw a nuke down, trying to connect it to the heavy in the corner. It doesn't really connect, but I'm able to drop down on top of him and quickly finish off the kill on him, although it didn't really look that quick.

Since there was just one medium left, we decided just to W-key him, as there's really no thought process when trying to get the last guy, unless it's a heavy player where they have a higher chance of trying to kill us. So after quickly getting the seal, I positioned myself on the escalators, thinking they would spawn somewhere else, but they spawned right on top of me.

I have the vault pre-rigged to drop it just in case this heavy just W-keyed me. Instead of trying to help the rest of his team. I have confidence in both of my medium players that they can try to get the other two kills, and well, they got punished for that by losing the objective. At this point, it's just whatever it goes, and since we had one volt, we had the confidence to go for anything, and I kind of just nuked them all.

I thought they were Nerf nukes, but I guess not. After wiping them, we got the last cash out all the way to the end and ended up getting wiped, but after eliminating the one orange heavy on point. I knew that the other two orange players were distracted. I decided to go for an insta stick on the cash out, which resulted in us getting the last second cash out, and the win that's the end of this breakdown might not have been the best.

Out, it's all over, folks, that's, and now. Yeah, in an MMA match especially, that guy getting [__] like he's dying in there, yeah, he's taking his last breath, no question about it obviously, like it's a money thing, like that's the reason he's doing it, and I think he knows in his head like he'd lose, well, like he's already fought the biggest name in boxing in his way.

