R. I. P. Stun Gun. Huge Glitch Grenade Buff. Plus More Free Rewards. Patch 2.6.0 - The Finals

This will hopefully keep the weapon power in check at higher skill levels while at the same time making it more forgiving for new players. With this change, I can now one-clip the back-moving target fairly consistently. However, regardless of having a sight with the damage being reduced for this weapon.

I find myself wondering why I am not using the AK or from instead, especially with the Famas, which can consistently kill you at far ranges, and if you can't do that, just watch this masterclass article I have on it; it will definitely set you up to succeed as well as dominate with the Famas.

Content & bug fixes


On to the content and bug fixes, I'm only going to be going through the changes I think are impactful to your gameplay experience and performance.


The first is audio with increased priority of enemy footsteps and tweaks to make them easier to hear, as well as tweaks to the loudness of the dematerialized. And materialized, sounds, they've added two bonus pages of reward to the end of the battle pass here are the rewards this is actually pretty cool I've never heard of a company doing this giving me even more reason to have faith in this team awesome stuff they have some additions here for gyro aiming, to be honest I'm not too familiar with this type of aiming so I'm not going to go through these changes but you can pause the screen if you want to check it out so they finally fix an issue where Spectators could trigger Minds next Soul has been added to the powers shift map Pool they fix an issue and reduce the intensity of some of the interior colors on the horizon map you know when you're playing Powers shift and you're in the Red Room which quite literally camouflages, the outline of the opponent.

Yeah, that's kind of a big fix for me.

Huge update to private matches

Huge update to private matches

Here's another huge addition for me personally because I'm a content creator as well as many of you that want to do 1V ones to improve your gameplay or even develop team strats before jumping into ranked. This is probably one of the best additions in the game thus far, in my opinion, allowing players to truly explore and experiment with new ways to play the game.

Ranked changes

patch 2.6

I am very happy with this huge W, now on to the rank changes they reduced the rank tournament size from 48 to 24 players, this should make matchmaking, faster and make tournaments more readily available for different regions, anyhow they reduce the rank tournament duration from four rounds to three to account for these player changes they also increased the speed at which visible League rankings synchronize, with skill-based matchmaking ratings, and added an indicator in the league overview screen to show your change in rank progression, for the last tournament you participated in basically showing us the exact same screen we see after playing a ranked match on top of that they added an entire article here that basically has Matt low Who is the design director for the finals explain how the rank system works for season 1 and two that the reasons why you were seeing silver players in Diamond lobbies was because the player skill rating was out of sync from their league rating he states that they are planning to fix these issues but it is nearly impossible to do so mid-season because, sudden massive changes would make the rank system feel broken.

Confusing and unfairly, instead, they're waiting for the new season, allowing for the rank system to be freshly reset without causing any ill will towards the player base. They also plan to include an end-of-match summer mor that informs you about your performance and rank as well as the level of your opponents, but that'll be for next season.


One change they're making now with update 2.6 is to reduce the duration of the seasonal rank journey, which will allow players to reach their actual skill tier in the league system sooner rather than later, and that's pretty much it. Although this is a little bit more information than we've had before, I still think they have a ways to go in terms of transparency.

More content & bug fixes

More content & bug fixes

So moving on to specializations, they fixed an issue where the tets lost targeting on players with ride shields as well, when they would fall off buildings and not rotate when landing.

Now here is another big and amazing change: players can purchase a single item within a bundle without having to buy the entirety of it. This is honestly very pro-consumer, and in 2024. I genuinely mean that next they polished and refined how pinks are visualized in the game as well as hit indicators differentiating each type of damage from melee all the way to range, and rather than a buff to the actual specialization itself, instead we have a polished grapple hook wire animation.

Melee weapon fix / security & anti-cheat

Welcome to the ultimate breakdown of Patch 2. 0, where seismic changes have rocked the Finals.
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