Is The Finals Any Good


Game all right, so there are weapons in this game. The weapon selection in this game used to bore me, but now I actually very much like it since they added more stuff that sr84, though that sniper that thing needs help that thing sucks. I think, especially as somebody who used to play light a lot, hitting a head shot with a sniper with that thing should be a lot more rewarding in my opinion you guys can agree to disagree and this could just be my war zone Call of Duty small brain talking here but I think sniping should be just a little bit more rewarding, there's weapons in this game that I feel obviously is just supposed to be there for fun like the throwing knives like no one's actually using those in any high-level gameplay.

It feels really smooth. The normal AK is perfectly fine as well, but I mean, it's just an AK, like it's really hard to mess up an AK in the game Flamethrower. It's a little annoying to De with sometimes, but the range is so bad that I guess a lot of my bad experiences with it can be honestly boiled down to me just being terrible at the game.

Sometimes some of the gadgets that they put in the game are really cool, and I think the Gateway is really interesting. I had a really awesome play with that a couple weeks ago that I think I'll show right here. On it, this man. He pulled his fist out and punched me to death; y'all, [__] got him.


I got him, get out, get out, use a gateway yes, did it work, yep, he doesn't know he knows, doesn't matter doesn't [__] matter a couple of things very much annoy me though the cool down timer for the light to be able to use the invisibility is way too short they need to increase that just a little bit because the amount of times that an annoying light player who actually knows what they're doing can just abuse that is, very unhealthy, that needs to be dialed back just a little bit.

The vanishing bomb, though, is very clever because obviously your team has to be really close together for it to work on all three of you. Let me make us all invisible. It didn't work on me, my [__], and obviously, even with the invisibility of the light build, if you shoot it, it goes away, and you also can't go for a cash-out steal with it, which is very smart.

new update

I think everything in the heavy build is pretty balanced. I just think that the destructible environment is a little too crazy, like the fact that the heavy build can run right through buildings. Just because the whole side of this building is coming apart, there's a guy down. Here, do you see? This, get your ass over here.

Obviously, I think medium-build is the most balanced class of them all. I think medium is the class that pretty much every single player who starts this game defaults to because it's the best middle ground; it's like light is decent but their HP is literally nothing and heavy is just way too slow.

realm royale

I think medium is that great middle ground that pretty much anybody getting into this game should start with. There are five maps in this game in total, but they all have different variants that keep basically each play of the map completely different, however some of the variants are. Terrible most of the variants are clever and I think that this is honestly a very interesting spin, on the way Maps work in fps, because when you think of maps you think of Call of Duty where they come out with a game and there's 10 11 12 different maps that all play exactly the same when you play them however in the finals and I'm actually very impressed with this when the game first came out you would play Soul multiple times but on different variants and when the game first came out I legit would forget that it's the same map like I would be thinking I'm playing an entirely different map from a casual perspective I'm sorry but Las Vegas, with the stupid dust storm, that variant sucks that is the absolute worst map to play period that needs to go switch that for something else get that out the game remove it bury it and never bring it back also the newest map I think Sy Horizon.

I hate that map too; the whole thing glitched. The object thing when you're like breaking builds and breaking buildings is interesting, but overall the map stinks. Get rid of it, but other than that, overall most of the maps and variants are very fun to play Soul, even though it is a fall damage.


Hell, it's very fun. Play, who wants it more, cont, all the variants of solo are perfectly fine. The same thing goes for Skyway Stadium. Skyway Stadium is very fun. It's something about just seeing an entire stadium while playing in FPS. It's honestly a very good concept that I'm surprised didn't get brought up earlier.

Sure, I don't know. From this point on. I kind of want to talk about things that I personally have a problem with and things that I think this game genuinely needs, so the first thing I want to mention really quick, and I know this seems small, which is kind of why I wanted to just mention it first and get it out of the way before I talk about other things, but one thing I hate about this game genuinely is the fact that the team announcement order is not the same for everybody; it's different for everybody, and your team is always going to be the last one announced.

warzone best class

I really love the idea and would rather have it where everybody's team gets announced in the same order for everybody. If we can get like voice packs or something like y remember back in Call of Duty Ghost where they got Snoop Dog get some genuine voice actors this AI stuff is just not going to cut it anymore this is another kind of small one there's no grenade icon the amount of times I've just been blown up by grenades, without warning and without even hearing it is just.

Dumb i got one we, they just B, there's no grenade icon I just insta die put a grenade icon in the game give us a couple seconds to be able to at least try to avoid it because that's just bad I don't know if they're going to need it for pyro grenades but do it for the regular normal frag grenades at least please this next one is actually a big one for me I'm so serious it might not be big for you but it's very much big for me change, the damn team colors in this game my whoever was in that exec office and came up with the team colors for the finals needs to be fired because what are we doing the team colors legitimately should be just green blue red yellow or something that's easy to identify you know how it is in the midst of battle in a really intense situation to try to call out these really weird team colors because you have pink and then you have slightly less pink or you have magenta.

F at what I'm saying, fix these team colors, man. Just give us blue, red, green, and yellow, trying to say magenta. I'll be sitting there, stuttering. I need some seasoning, like I said, some garlic powder and some onion powder. This game is fun, but it feels like I'm eating plain, rich crackers.

Catch you on the next one, peace.
