The Best Way To Defend The Finals

Adapting and repeating

Adapting and repeating

So one of the coolest things about the OP drop is that it is very repeatable. I love picking multistory buildings like this one; we picked it on purpose because we like to do the OP drop, so even if you don't have that poor part, what I mean by that is that if you don't have gas or fire, you can always pop and drop, stealing.

Tactical self wipe

Nice let him know you let him. Yes, so quick note. Before we go on to our next clip, you will hear my brother saying, Let him wipe you. Let him wipe you. He recognized that I was already losing my 1v1, so hurry up and get the loss over with. We get the cash, therefore the cash penalty is not as severe, so that wasn't on purpose, but I did die before the cash out ended, so it worked out either way.

Didn't check ceiling

Didn't check ceiling

Now this one's going to be quick. I put this one in because I made a mistake. I put the C4 on the paneling instead of the ceiling itself. This could have turned out to be a very big mistake. This can absolutely make you lose games. It has happened to me. I've had random teammates yell and scream at me because they, you know, trusted me like I trusted you, especially when I was learning Vegas, so please check your paneling.

Some of them are more durable than others, so shoot the [__] out of the ceiling.

Rpg drop

Let's go, All right This one's going to be a quick one, and this one also shows that you can initiate a Dro with an RPG. I decided to do this because the ceilings were too tall, but most importantly, there are counters.


If this APS were just one meter to the right. I would not have been able to get a shot off that would have dropped the objective, and I am almost certain it would have been stolen and we would not have been able to get it back. That's something you have to keep in mind when doing some of the OP drops, especially at certain locations.

I just wanted to say that all is right. This brings me to my next clip, this one.

Set + goo

Set + goo

There is a lot going on and a lot to learn from, and I start off by going outside of the objective. I'm pretty much locking everyone out because I want to waste the enemy's time, all right? Let's take a quick look at my C4 placement. I don't take my time; I was probably just having a bit of tunnel vision because I knew the enemies were coming, but if you want to ensure that it drops properly, you want to make sure you place it right.

I should have shot out that metal duct and placed one on the opposite side of the objective and one over here. You want to make sure that your C4 placement is going to ensure a clean drop.

Failed drop!

As you can see, when I started to initiate the OP drop, the objective did not fall. That's because of my C4 placement.

goo gun

That's not because it doesn't work. That's not because this game stinks. That's because of me. You have to ensure that what you're doing works. You'll even see me try to make up for my mistake with my RPG, but again, I don't take my time to try to get that clean shot that will make sure the objective falls.

Now, after I use up all of my utility, I try to get to the same floor as the objective and defend from there, but then I realize I locked myself out. Luckily, my teammates were able to defend the objective, but that could have ended badly. Now you will see that we adapt to what's going on. We go ahead and reset.

Setup for 2nd team!

Setup for 2nd team!

I put the C4 back under the objective. Place another barricade, and we get ready to defend the objective again. Another team does come, and you'll see we set up a crossfire, and this time we efficiently do the OP drop.

Ideal example of the op drop!

James, we can crossfire them; they're stealing.

Stealing, they're not taking gas damage; they were. I think because I ignited it, I don't know.


I was, so this is actually the end of this article. I was going to put in a few more clips and examples, but they lean more towards environmental manipulation, and that's most likely going to be the title of my next article.

I want to talk a lot about how destruction, the goo gun, and barricades can help you defend, and some of my next ones are pretty cool. I do a lot more setting up, and I really want to talk about that in my next article. But with that being said, if you really like this article, make sure you leave a like and consider subscribing if you want to see more content.


I really want to see this channel grow, and I will continue putting out some really good, solid strategic content.

This video will show a strategy that I use that I call the "OP drop. " It's named after my brother and I because together we have been using this strategy since the closed betas and it is evolving to become even better than ever. I will be showing almost everything I know about the "OP drop". Thank you for watching.