Are Players Too Dumb For The Finals



Cosmetics, there's ways to receive, free multi. And the battle pass and vrs are not that hard to grind, and if you look into the game itself, the game play, it goes even deeper. I could go on and on for hours about how unique and different the finals are compared to other games. Personally, I think absolutely not a lot of people are comparing the finals with two games that have been out for more than two years.

Then the finals have months; not only that, but a lot of these games that have been out for years launched in a safer state. By that. I mean the fundamental game play, the actual mechanics of the game where the finals are so different, so unique, so original, that again they're taking risks, so by default that's hard mode; they're playing in hard mode. So with that out of the way, let's go ahead and start diving a little deeper into some of my opinions and observations.



Let's start out by talking about cocaine. If you look at this chart right here, you will see that purity levels are going up year by year. If you look at this chart right here, which they provide a sample of, you will also see that the average sweat percentage of a gamer is also increasing.

Year by year, does correlation mean causation? Well, probably not, but the fact is, I'm pretty sure most of us will agree that there's more sweat now than ever. Sweats aren't really a bad thing. I kind of put myself in that category. I have a GPX and an artisan mouse pad, if you know, but that's as sweaty as it gets, and a lot of those sweats are going to be your YouTubers.

Your Twitch streamers, your content creators, are the ones teaching the metas, making the metas, and even breaking and changing the metas. The reason I am even bringing this up is because there's also some severe negatives to the whole sweat thing, and please hear me, I am heavily generalizing. I'm not pointing any fingers, but it is a poison, and this game and the finals would have been wildly popular.

I believe, before the days of everyone wanting to be a Twitch streamer, and again, it's okay; I think it's okay personally. I think it's okay. I think the times that we are living in are fine, but I also think it's something that the players and Embark both should understand that we're in. Nowadays, there are people who care more about winning than anything else and will treat it like a job, treating it as if there's nothing else that matters. You know, so I just wanted to get that out.

Are players too dumb?

Are players too dumb?

Now I'm going to get back to this in a bit, but I think a lot of you guys are wondering, Why is the title of this article? Are players too dumb for the finals? So let's talk about that. So I've made an observation a while ago; it may be completely inaccurate, but from my personal experiences.

Lower skill player base


Deceptively difficult it looks like an easy fun casual blow stuff up let's just run around and hack walls and blah game and it is you can play it that way but as soon as you start, associating this game with winning at all as soon as you want to become a good teammate and start winning you will quickly realize if you're not used to other games at least that this game is difficult please don't let anyone else try to tell you otherwise cuz I will explain why it is difficult now one of the main reasons for this is the higher ttk that means you have to have one of the hardest styles of aim which is tracking but not only that the guns themselves have relatively High recoil for a game with such a high ttk, now also with higher ttks, come with the demand for, very good teamwork, especially when you consider the power of the gadgets this is a category and a subject that I could go very deep on but I can't right now I don't have a ton of time I don't want to make a super long article but please trust me that this isn't easy for newer less experienced players yes for you it may be a little more second nature from, someone who thought that this game was just going to be a blowing up KD farming game it's hard please trust me on that and I haven't even started to talk about things like positioning.

And the game mode itself, the objective, can go very deep, and if you're a newer player or someone who just doesn't care, it's hard for you to get into, and that's why I think this is something that's important to bring up again. I don't think it's the players fault; I don't think it's they're too stupid so they can't play the game they can't play the game I think it's something that Embark should look at and think to them about how we can get these players to start to understand our game to start to build confidence.



I want to get better and play the game, but it is much harder to be inspired to play a game if you can't see the path to being good. A lot of people want to get better every day, but you can't even begin to see the path, which can be pretty demotivating. Now I am going to give a quick suggestion in the sense that I think that Embark should make truly casual game modes.

I know that banket and power shift are a little more on that end, but I want a game mode that completely eliminates a lot of the complexities of the game and lets you focus on one thing. For example, a lot of people want a team deathmatch, which is fair. I'm not a huge fan of Team Deathmatch, but whatever they do, I definitely think there shouldn't be a long respawn timer.

If there is one at all. I definitely think they should try to limit gadgets much more heavily than any other game mode and, really, start to section off the map even to get people close to a true like meat grinder mode where all you do is shoot so you can refine that skill so you can get used to the weapons so you get used to the recoil used to tracking used to the ttks.

And once people are comfortable there, it'll be easier to get out into the real field. You could even apply this to gadgets in a way, as if there were a 3V environment where the floor is lava and you're forced to get across using gadgets, whether it's a heel beam zipline, and instead of the first person Crossing determining the time, the last person Crossing, so now it becomes an overall team-oriented gadget-oriented game mode where people can learn their gadgets and teamwork in a safe environment instead of being tossed in the wilderness.

I mean, you could see how many people don't even consider that or think about teamwork based off of how many new players don't even touch their heel beam throughout the entire game; it's helping their team. Maybe they knew how powerful it could be and how much it's helping their team; maybe they would use it. I don't know.

High skill player base

High skill player base

I really know what the very high-skilled players are like. Why are some of them leaving now? I do think a lot of it has to do with maybe not being able to translate all of their skills to this game, and it was too much to learn, possibly. It's not as relevant, so they just don't care.

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