This Is Why You Should Start Playing The Finals Now

best light build

My guy was hooking you up. Valhalla this is clearly broken, but it's the funniest broken thing ever even dying to it was fun I remember laughing my ass off when I watched the death camp of course this is not the only time they ruin the game I mean we can argue that this is not ruin the game it's fixing it but I have more examples of time where for me they ruined the game take for example roll Cube they didn't like the strategy that the teams were going for so what did they do well they introduced Rue which restricted, the players even more for me blatant restriction is never the way to balance something taking away something from the player isn't the solution a good balancing solution would be to create counters or to buff the existing counters.

I'm sorry if I keep drawing a lot of comparisons to OverWatch. You see, I'm still very salty about OverWatch. The game was almost perfect. The game was amazing. Blizzard made a great game called OverWatch. But then they started taking bad decisions after bad decisions after bad decisions, till we got to the point where the game started being annoying to play.


A shell of its former glory. Regardless of all the shady business that was happening behind the scenes in Blizzard. OverWatch itself was very fun to play, but then Blizzard started taking some stupid decisions, to say the least, like they started introducing. There are more and more characters that require no skill to play until we get the goat meta.

The goat meta was Moira Lucio Bridget Diva Zarya and Reinhardt. You see, all these characters have one thing in common: you need zero FPS skills to play the game; you just have to play as a good strategy, so anything, personal or any individual performance, will not shine through because these are not characters that have individual performance.

Moira beam sticks to the player; they don't even require you to aim at them. Lucio does not even have to aim at Bridget. The same thing has a shield; it just swings; its hammer doesn't even require any aiming. The same goes for Diva Zarya and Reinhardt. This is the common thing about those characters: they do not require any FPS or skills, and so what happened?


The game became so boring to play that it's even annoying to play over how much shield there is, how much it's impossible to kill anyone, and how little impact you have as an individual player. It became even more boring to watch if you remember at the beginning of the Overwatch League you had some amazing, beautiful play by Widowmaker players as you're about to see with the inight and nailed the shots.

Not many widowmakers would go for this play with pinewood, and he just absolutely nails it here, even the machine gun. What a flick. Another one beautiful I don't necessarily like Widowmaker itself but when you watch, amazing way to make a player making a beautiful play you have to clap for him you have to be impressed it's just natural you cannot stop it because it is so impressive to watch but then those damage players stopped playing the game and couldn't play the game just because the game, wasn't suited for them anymore it was only a shield Fiesta and they had to play the goat meta or they will lose the game and how did blizzard fix that they didn't decide to Nerf the shields they didn't decide to buff the damage they didn't do anything about that they kept introducing in characters that do not requires any FPS skills.


Until the game stopped being an FPS, they introduced Royal Q so now they said we don't like this meta so we have to force you to play two support two damage dealers and two tank that was their fix which is again a very stupid decision that's the laziest decision possible they kept taking lazy decision after lazy decision until the game died for me they killed the game I refuse to play any more of OverWatch just because of how much I'm frustrated, and salty about the game that I refused to try OverWatch 2 I didn't download OverWatch 2 I do not want to try it I hate it I hate what blizzard did and I do not trust blizzard to keep the game good now I'm not saying that balancing game is easy no it's notoriously.


Hard what I'm saying is, the strategy that OverWatch went with for balancing, is just lazy and it says a lot about their vision for the game which in my opinion, is flawed the other way that devs could optimize the fun out of the game is by balancing the game for professional play only and I guess League of Legend is the best example of that it got to a point where people would make meme about their champ getting a Nerf because it got a Penta kill in Pro play again I'm not saying that games shouldn't take in consideration Pro play what I'm saying is pro play is not in any way the majority of player base and they should keep that in mind, the last way for the team to optimize the fun out of the game is to do as a Community says you see my role is a product owner in an agile team which is basically a bridge between the dev team and the client my role is not to do what the client said my main role is to do what the clients need.

And those two things are often different. The client will usually tell you the first thing they stumbled upon that was a problem without actually searching for the root of the problem. More often than not, it's going to be only the consequence of a bigger problem, but they didn't search to know that.


So, a more exaggerated example would be: Let's say a customer is walking in a building and he sees a puddle of water on the ground. A fix to that would be to clean it up with a bucket. But we both know that's not really a fix, because if there's a water on the ground there's probably something happened if you look up you might see a pipe that burst and if you come just clean the water you know we both know the water is going to come back that's a very exaggerated example but I believe it gets the points through you see Steve Jobs himself said it's not the customer's job to know what they want, the customer, usually do not know what they want and it's our job to search for what they actually need by asking them question or by just searching the root of the problem the same is applied for Game Dev players do not know what they need they just like to complain.

4 Reasons Why You Should Start Playing THE FINALS Now ! In this video i explain why should start playing THE FINALS now by giving 4 main reasons.