This Is Why You Should Start Playing The Finals Now


We like to complain; that's our nature, so please. For the love of God. Do not do what the players want, listen to them take the feedback into account that's very important, and give us what we need don't give us what we want thankfully abar is doing a good job at balancing the game you see nukes have been a problem since day one nukes are basically when you attach C4s or mines to a canister and then you throw it at the enemy it was really bad to the point where you can one shot the whole team with it the community has been complaining about it rightfully so in this case and emb's, decision to Nerf it or to balance it is a very smart decision they said we're not going to remove it from the game no we're not going to stop you from putting C4s on canisters, what we're going to do is that we're going to add weight to those canisters and give it a trade-off so if you put one C4 on a ganister it's going to fly.

good kid

Way less than if it didn't have any now. That's a smart balancing decision; they didn't take it away; they didn't stop you from doing it; they just gave it a trade-off. If you want your caner to go far well, you have to not use any SE fors, and for me, that's hopeful. They are saying we are listening to the community.

But that doesn't mean we're going to give you what you want; we're going to give you what you need. I love that decision.

Reason 4 : the game

Reason 4 : the game

Now, last but not least, reason number four: the game is very fun. The game's large maps are designed to be highly destructible, offering players the freedom to reshape the battlefield as they see fit. Take, for example, this cashout. You can blow up the roof and shoot people from above. You can also bring the cash box to one store.

grappling hook

You could also just blow up the whole thing. All the established defenses are gone. You see, the game itself allows the player to have a lot of freedom, so the game is always fresh. Also the three classes heavy medium light although not a lot they each have a variety of builds which allows for flexibility, in play sty you want to be Spider-Man take light with staser and grapple you want to play Soldier play medium you want to be an absolute chat, play Heavy with go gun and stick people you want to be an absolute dick play light with cloaking and sword or just cloaking the player chooses whichever play style they wish for not only this will affect you but it will also affect the whole server you absolutely have to adapt your play style to the rest of the server if you are playing with a lot of Heavies you can expect so much destruction, and the map at the end will look nothing like the beginning I can go on and on and on about how unique this game is and how fun it is but really it boils down to the dynamic interplay within its high destructible Maps it's like tear down on steroid, married to an FPS Masterpiece also in the finals you can do.

This is why other games allow you to spin so fast. I'll wait; I rest my case.

4 Reasons Why You Should Start Playing THE FINALS Now ! In this video i explain why should start playing THE FINALS now by giving 4 main reasons.