The Finals - Official Player Count Revealed. Leaked Cosmetic. New Ee Hints & More

the finals

The finals just had their official player count disclosed. We also have some issues with Multi-B, and we need to talk about an update to some of those future cosmetics. We also have a beloved community manager departing, as well as some hints for future Easter eggs and a whole bunch more. This is J.

Back in with another article today, we're checking out all things the finals, okay, so let's just jump right into it. We did actually have the official player count across all platforms disclosed, so we finally have an estimation and a real-world number for how many players are actually playing in the finals again.

A lot of the discussion around the finals is about player accounts and whether the game is popular enough to sustain, but we finally had an official source from the inbark developer team, and this is actually from inbark Dusty. This is in reply to someone on the Discord named Yapper, who said their current estimation is around 4 to 500k, Mau.

But you don't need to confirm and just to give some pretext on that Ma stands for monthly active users, however, in reply here. Dusty went over to say it's not easy to do the math since you don't have all the data and they said that since launch they've never dropped below 300K. Daily active users, or D Aus, with all platforms combined, so again.

the finals 93r

Ma or monthly active users will actually be a lot higher than that, or at least supposedly, as the daily active users are around 300K. Now again, daily active users are not the same as concurrent player counts. Concurrent players means the players that are actively on the game at once, while daily active users means how many people have logged in for that day or for a 24-hour session, so 300, 000 people logging in per day doesn't mean they're on at this exact same time again.

This is across all platforms, obviously Playstation, Xbox, and PC. 300,000 daily active users seems pretty healthy overall again. I know the steam count has gone from 15 to 20K on average there; however, again, that is concurrent users and not daily active users. Even if you log on just to look at the store or log on just for a second and then log off, you are counted as a daily active user.

the finals game

However, at 4 to 500k, the estimation of monthly active users is definitely very shy of that. At 300K, daily active users are going to be a lot higher than monthly active users. I would say overall, that's a very healthy player base and definitely popular in the realm of things again. I understand there's been some controversy there with the player count, but it does seem like they have a healthy player base and the popularity to sustain this game.

We will see that spike up to around $50,000. For season 2, and again, they did say they were going to bring more marketing for season 3 during the QA, so hopefully we will see that increase even further. But it is nice to put some concrete numbers on the popularity of this game as well as the player count, since it's such a heavily disgusting topic.

the finals gameplay

Now we did have some controversy around the multi-b, where apparently the multi-bucks do expire. However, this is not the case in all regions; in fact, it's only the case in one region specifically, which is Japan, so apparently Japan has some laws where multi-b. Must expire after 180 days, or at least online currency for other games must expire after 180 days again this applies to all games in Japan even with Apex and Call of Duty have the same system in place so if you've seen this post where apparently the multi expired, this is only for Japan seemingly the multi, will never expire if you're in any other region and yeah as I said even with Apex over there in Japan you will actually have those coins expire, they have the same system in place so again this is just for the region of Japan so don't worry, your multibox will never expire unless you are part of that region.

I don't know if there are any others that have it like this, and I haven't seen any other comments about it, but this is not the final specific; this applies to other games as well. Now we do have an update on those cosmetics as well as the Frog onesie, and seemingly we will be getting that Frog onesie as they did get those 1, 000 signatures.

the finals ks-23

Now I'm actually quite surprised by this, as I recorded this audio for the article we're up to. 4, 941, Signatures, so we're super close to getting that charm, and we already unlocked the spray for Frog Cosmetics, so what's left is at 7500, and we'll get that SFX. If you want to find it for yourself, you can head over to the finals website and just go down to the bottom right.

There is a little frog icon. If you click on that, you can fill out the form yourself. I am not sure if any updates on this will be on the store or not, or if this is a reward. I'm hoping that since it's a community effort, it will just be a reward for the community. However, we'll have to wait and see.

We do have some more updates with the cosmetics, though, and somebody found something in the file. This was teased during the Q&A. I didn't cover this, which I mistakenly should have; however, since they've already had a cat. Rob did tease that there might be a dog cosmetic coming up, and apparently this has already been found through data mining, so we actually do have a dog cosmetic or dog pet here, just like we did with the cat and many others.

the finals leak

This was added on May 2, so this was just data mining very recently. Again, it looks extremely detailed for what it is, and just being a pet is really cool there, so hopefully we do get this cosmetic sometime soon. I'm sure he will, since it's already in the files and ready to go now. Rob has been super active; we've had a ton of updates from him again, including teasing those cosmetics, as well as this right here where he does talk about the road map stuff.

There was some road map discussion in the AMA where they said they don't do road maps, or someone here asked if they had a road map for the themes or plot each season at least a couple years into the future. Rob did go on to disclose here, saying there's an overarching story line and lore that spans over many seasons and over multiple years that guides us in what we will do.

the finals leaks

For example, if the conflict between CNS and Multicorp has been planned for years, then they will break that story into beats. And then beats to seasons. Then they make huge mood boards and storyboards for each season with thousands of concept reference images, plan trips to map locations, etc. Years ahead; even some skins and gadgets are given to fit lore, but some assets are done days before they are live, for example, the cnna sweatshirt for the event I made four to five days before 2.6.

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