How To Get Top 500 The Finals Right Now

best medium build

Especially in situations, where Reviving its teammate quickly is essential and can be game-changing, looking at you Med medum classes with the defib that can use a credit to come in and stop your team from the wipe that's literally why you're there but number 15 we're going to talk about that defib because there is a little bit of an issue that we went over in a past article where you kind of become invincible because players revived with defibs, are briefly invincible, and ninja advises waiting until they start moving or at least 2 seconds before shooting them focus on the deib players's low Health making it easier to win the encounter it is very possible that we also see a Nerf to this in the near future as we've covered before number 16.

Offensive, def fibbing, which is the inverse of number 15, and here is and here ninja introduces a tactic involving mid-gunfight Revival teammates that can be used essentially as a shield, creating great situations that work in your favor. Running multiple mediums in a team allows continuous deffibbing, making it pretty challenging for opponents to secure a win.

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I'm one of those people that, when I get on, sometimes I'll just run with two mediums and we'll just defib and heal gun each other and annoy the hell out of people, and there is another form of Def Fibbing though, and that's number 17, that's support Def Fibbing, which is my specialty. I love being a healer.

What can I say? I played a lot back in the day. You want to go ahead and prioritize defibs on other mediums because this ensures quick revives and maintains a strong team presence. Focusing on Def fibbing a heavy first may lead to slower revives and potential vulnerabilities. Especially in the presence of nearby opponents.

Number 18: Wipe before you get cash. Ninja always advises wiping opponents before the cashout ends, preventing a potential loss of money. This strategy ensures a more secure victory after successfully stealing the cash. Number 19: Let the other people fight in the game. Observing two teams engage in a fight provides an opportunity to let them fight without interference.

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If you check the scoreboard, you can actually assess the situation and capitalize on weakened opponents, leading to a more strategic game. And creates opportunities to counterattack, number 22. Stronger aim assists, and this one's going to get a little controversial. Ninja addressed the setting change to strength and aim assist after the Nerf that was recently put into the game.

Adjusting the look response curve to exponential can provide a feel similar to pre-f aim assist balancing the playing field, so if you feel like you've been hit by it, number 23 is how to increase your aim on the controller, and Ninja suggests turning off aim assist temporarily to improve your aim without relieving on it as someone who plays on console occasionally.

I actually play in PC lobbies where my aim assist is devalued, and then I hop back into the console and absolutely slaughter people. This is how you will build aiming skills without aim assist, which ensures better precision when it's turned back on. Practicing in-game scenarios and focusing on tracking, especially on the mouse and keyboard, will enhance your overall aiming Prof efficiency, although you're probably still not going to be top-tier like Shroud or anything number 24.

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DPI, with 40 sensitivity. He did acknowledge that it's pretty high sensitivity. And he emphasized the importance of comfort and control, so you need to build a lot of muscle memory with consistent sensitivity. Across games, go ahead and actually make this, as you see, improve performance. Number 27 is mouse and mouse pad the ninja actually gave us some information on his equipment which is always really good and gives us a ton of insight he's using a wireless razor Viper V2 Pro mouse with a sky pad mouse pad and arm sleeve the wireless setup eliminates, cable interference, providing full control and range of motion the choice of glass mouse pad with minimal friction ensures smooth movement and Optimal Performance and the arm sleeve prevents skin from sticking to the mouse pad you be aware though that this can be a little bit pricey so you might not be able to run with this right away number 28 grab your friend token from far away and there's actually a lesser known tip that I've seen circling around Reddit a bit about grabbing friend tokens from a considerable.

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By utilizing distance, this knowledge can save time and potentially alter the outcome of game number 29. Let the first-place team steal cashouts in overtime. Shinya, the ninja, provides strategic insight in second place during the last cash out, and the first-place team starts or steals it, allowing them to actually complete it.

This unintentional assistance can work to your advantage, making it easier for you to secure win number 30 by starting two different cash outs, and Ninja mentions a rare but effective strategy that could come into play overtime. If you're in third place and anticipating, overtime, starting two different cash outs can yield 4K in cash and divert half the lobb's attention, which will improve your chances of winning.

And we have one last bonus, because I couldn't do a top 30 list, and that's playing for your life.

The Finals has many options for players to mull over before they step foot in the arena. Choosing the right The Finals class and The Finals weapon to suit how you play is vital if you want to achieve success. Team composition is also important, as you usually want to find a balance between support, damage, and sheer destruction As the Competitive FPS marries Rainbow Six-style teamwork with Team Fortress 2 mayhem. You and your squad must destroy, zip, and shoot your way through each map to bank as much cash as you can and be crowned the victor.