The Best Items To Unlock First For All Classes The Finals

Now obviously things like Fred grenades things like flashbangs, the breach charge is pretty good for being able to find your way into a room but it's definitely going to be a weaker version than the C4, in terms of like any other kind of like grenades or anything you can use there's just not anything that's really impactful for like when you're inside of a fight it's great for starting a fight it's great for being able to make a choke point or something like that it's great for being able to, like just be able to mass some of your position so you can actually get in close but in terms of like everything else apart from the gas grenade which does some decent damage the vanishing bomb is pretty much your best go-to gadget that exists for this class and I highly recommend that you do once you do have that th000 points which obviously is a little bit more expensive than specializations and weapons that you do actually spend that those th000 vrs so you can pick up this gadget because it's going to be so influential, especially if you are running with some of the teammates and you are being doing coordinating, attacks.

Medium class unlocks

Medium class unlocks

So those are my top three picks one for specialization one for weapon one for Gadget when it comes to the light class and now we're going to pretty much swap over to the medium class and this one's going to be very simple the reason why is because the medium class pretty much has most of the stuff that you kind of need already unlocked for itself once you pretty much start the game once you've unlocked the mate medium class which is the first class that you do get inside this game, everything that you pretty much have here is pretty good the healing beam is great it's perfect for being able to keep your teammates alive it's a great way of being able to like just in the middle of a firefight be able to keep someone going just be able to kick start that health regen the akm is definitely one of the better guns for the medium class the r357.

If you can land a head shot, it is absolutely goated, and then on top of that, when it comes to gadgets, we have gas mines, which are great for being able to put on the point, and we have defibs, which are going to be great for being able to keep your teammates alive or keep your team going, especially in the tournaments, so you just have pretty much an instant revive on a cool down, which is really good.

The jump pad is great for mobility, and the sonar grenade is great for being able to spot enemies that are pretty much around you, so you do have some really good versatility. And while technically you could unlock some extra gadgets or some extra weapons, it's just not going to be necessarily helping you out as much or something that's as influential as what we've just looked at when it comes to the light, class.

So in that case, I'm actually going to suggest one thing only for the medium class, and that's actually going to be the guardian turret. This turbine is pretty crazy as to how it kind of works now. Obviously, you are sacrificing that healing beam to be able to get this, but you can deploy it on a ceiling, deploy it on a wall, or put it in The Objective room if it's in within any close space, the turret is basically having a fourth person on your team that's able to distract able to Chip Away enemy's health bars and just make it so much easier for you to be able to mop the floor with them now, while it does feel like the turrets have been toned down, and quite rightly so from some of the betas because they were very oppressive, especially if you had three mediums on a single team all running turrets.

You just weren't able to really do much inside that room. Now it feels like the turret is a little bit on the lack side of things; it feels like it's taking its time to be able to find you; it's taking its time to be able to instantly lock onto you in the first place; and then it will instantly lock onto you if you start trying to damage it, so then it's it; it just kind of retaliates, pretty much straight away. So if you find that you're not using the healing beam as much as you probably should be, then the guardian turret is definitely going to be the better specialization for you, and I highly recommend that you grab that instead of the healing beam, or you can definitely grab both, and then you can swap back and forth on the fly.

Heavy class unlocks

Heavy class unlocks

So that brings us over to the heavy class and this is going to be really kind of expensive, depending on what you're actually looking to be able to get out of the class now obviously once again similar to like the medium class we do have some really good stuff that you can actually use as a heavy class pretty much off the bat the M60 is a great weapon charge and slam is pretty good for being able to open up spaces or being able to find a way through a building so you can make a of a retreat the barricade is great if placed correctly the rpg7, is absolutely goated not only just for being able to One-Shot light classes if you're accurate with this but just being able to blow up buildings make it so difficult for being able to find your way into a cash out and we do also have things like grenades and frag grenades and all that kind of standard stuff, now from this kind of list you can improve so much more depending on what you're looking for to get out the class so what I'm actually going to suggest is I'm going to do two things that are going to be a more support-based.

Kind of heavy, which are actually going to be pretty much necessary when it comes to going into like ranks or tournament play, and then I'm also going to suggest a DPS-focused one, so it's going to be one specialization, one gadget, and one weapon when it comes to that, so kicking it right off, let's go left to right.

I'm going to recommend that you go grab the mesh shield. The mesh shield is an amazing ability; it's an amazing kind of specialization. Because it kind of works if you've ever played OverWatch it kind of works as a Reinhard Shield allowing you to be able to block an enemy fire that comes forward towards you and then it allows your teammates to be able to fire through that shield with no issue whatsoever, so you don't have to worry about kind of like any loss and damage you don't have to worry about the shield blocking your teammates so there's no trolling in that kind of sense but it will mean that you're able to provide some really nice cover for your teammates to be able to make that push now this Shield is huge, it is very obnoxious it's very obvious as to where the heavy is and you can actually counter this as another class if you're playing on the enemy Side by being cuz they can't do any combat themselves so if they're trying to use it to defend themselves to be able to get their HP regen, then you can actually push through their Shield there's no issue with that and you can just pretty much absolutely decimate them that way.

The reason why Mees Shield is so good is because it gives you a way of being able to deploy your own cover you become the cover yourself it allows you to be able to regen your own HP, if you've got teammates behind you it gives them a way of being able to fire their guns without any kind of worry of any bullets coming their way but also they're able to regen their HP as well if they're used from a distance as well it's just a really good space Creator it's a great thing to be able to use as a heavy class and honestly this is probably the best specialization, in the game, maybe kind of second to the healing beam depending on how you kind of look at it but the mes Shield is just pretty much goated and you should probably, probably unlock this as one of the first things you're going for especially if you are playing as a heavy class.

In this video we'll discuss the top 7 items you'll want to unlock across all classes in The Finals! Spend your VRs wisely and you'll get massive increases in viability to your games. Don't settle for anything less than the best! Chapters.
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