The Finals - New Update 1.5.5. Huge Nerfs. Revive Mech Changes. Map Data. More


However, of course, that could be attributed to multiple or a multitude of factors. I do think people need to see more game modes, although a solid bank It was a nice change. I think people kind of want to see a little bit more with the game or a little bit more to do with it, and we also have the occurrence of winter break and kind of people going back to school things like that, so that might be why we might be seeing a little bit of a drop in numbers, and kind of January, in general, has always been a drop in numbers for a lot of online games and a lot of online mediums.

Again, because it coincides with like that winter break stuff and a lot of companies are readjusting for their quarterly earnings things like that. However, with the frequency of updates and how much they are catering to this game. I still think it's going to have a good long shot, or at least in the long run, it's going to do well, so I wouldn't mind these player numbers dropping too much.

We probably will see jumps over the next few months; this might actually coincide with this post here, which was done by subject commercial 96. Who went on here to showcase? Over 100 matches or 100 games, what kind of maps were they getting for the game show events and the different variants you could see?


For the most part, it's fairly even, although Las Vegas does see the most play. I do hope they kind of push Las Vegas down there to maybe Monaco. There's actually some really cool data here, like different times and what the maps were at, and even the distribution of different things if you want to check out more of the map data, as this does get pretty into it in depth with all the different statistics.

I'll leave a link to this post so you can check it out for yourself and kind of go through how it's all weighted with the different distributions. Just kind of going back over the stuff with the balance changes We've had a lot of posts, and people are really upset with the revolver changes. It's like they can be so seemingly accurate from range but also provide a decently high fire rate.


A lot of people were hoping for a buff for the revolver, so they're a little bit upset with the actual revolver changes. I'm not a revolver man; however, I did use it quite frequently during the first Clos beta. As far as I can tell, this does seem like a little bit of a harsh change for those like the top 1% of players or these people that were very accurate with that weapon, but it could coincide with a few other things that they're seeing at the back end.

I am actually curious how you guys feel so far with the patch if you are a revolver Main and kind of understand the weapon a little bit more, or at least the nuance of it. However, all in all, that's about covered for today's article, and if you like, subscribe and wait until the next

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