Are Players Too Dumb For The Finals

That's part of it, right? But I do think that there is a more fundamental problem, and I may not even be able to explain it that well, and it may not even be that Pro. So please hear me out. There are different levels to this, but the first thing I'm going to talk about are teams that have a hard time identifying.

clip breakdowns

Thing where if you're running whatever you want to run and you can't win well [ __ ] now I have to run double heavy medium he'll be mesh and really that's kind of the way to go to this day that's just kind of just it if you want to win consistently, so now let's pretend that everyone is running the same meta everyone is the same skill level I still think that there is a pretty big problem and that's the filtration system in a way I don't think that the best team wins enough I think the percentage of teams that sneak in there and get their little dub in is a bit too high I do get that it's fun and exciting to get that last second steal that's something I never want to remove from the game but there are also times where even I know, that my team isn't doing that well I know that we're not put together we get wiped we lose a fight but get rewarded, by getting a spawn that allows us to walk in there get some free picks steal the objective and win and it kind of shows.

The filtration system isn't the best because, a lot of the time, in the final rounds, it's usually a blowout one way or another. Other double time, baby. Now I could go pretty deep on solutions and details, but I definitely think that Embark is working on that. I think they know that they are trying to smooth things out, make things better, and things are getting much better, and that's going to bring me into my next segment.

Are the nerfs good?

Are the nerfs good?

Are the Nerfs good for the game? Now hear me out. I know that it's a pretty popular opinion that the Nerfs are a terrible thing for the game; they're making the game stale, and that is pretty true, but for the long term.

Health and stability of the game the Nerfs are actually a pretty good thing if you think about it the game has been for me at least feeling, much better and fair now I'm not going to act like Embark is perfect they do make some questionable decisions, sometimes but let's look at it like chicken if you have an over seasoned chicken or an oddly seasoned chicken maybe there's Ranch and maple syrup on the same chicken that's just not that good you know so if you make the chicken Bland, it's a little bit easier to see what's going on there now when you add a little bit of you know paprika a little bit of salt a little bit of maple syrup whatever it is that you want to put on there whether it's weird or not at least it be easier to identify.


What went wrong, so let them Nerf things a little bit, let them tame, let the waters calm everything down, and then hopefully. I mean, we're all kind of hoping this is right; this is up to them, but hopefully we can start seeing some rebalances and buffs. That's the hope. Let's talk about some of the Nerfs.

Nukes, the retos are in Aulner only. I thought I was going to miss him. I thought that they were going to take some of the creativity out of the game, but I think it was the right decision. I actually don't miss him. I had APS; we died in APS. I will say that, like I've said throughout the whole article, almost the skill gap is higher than in your average game, so sometimes it's hard to comprehend.

How much better is someone than you? I mean, that's just something to think about. It hurts to see, but kind of the truth, and since I just amplified that, now let's talk about the invisibility and stun gunners. The stun gun was slightly overdone, in my opinion. I do feel like that was a counter to things like mesh, healing, and defib.


And now that you can do all those things while you're stunned, I think it's no longer as useful, and the only thing that's really good for now is denying cash outs, which is powerful. Don't get me wrong, but I would like to see some of its usefulness restored. Let's quickly talk about invisibility.

My biggest problem with invisibility is how inconsistent it is. It is between platforms, builds, PCS, or settings. I have tried to match my settings with those of other players, and for me, they're still completely different.



I genuinely want to see what people say, see how you feel, see how you think, whether you liked this style of article, and whether you think I'm ugly. Whatever it is that you want to say, you can leave an essay if you want, and I will try my best to read it. If I leave a little heart thing, that means I read it.

I may not be able to respond to everything, but again, I like seeing what people think. Leave your thoughts, and I hope you guys have an excellent day, and I hope you continue to play the finals because this is like the best game

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