How To Use Evasive Dash The Finals - Best Specialization For The Light Class

This is extremely useful because the light class has a small hit box. You can fight behind cover and pop out to surprise your opponent, or you can J them by popping out and going back into cover, causing them to miss their shots and get the upper. Hand, now it's time for. I don't know if this is documented anywhere, but I found this neat trick in the practice area.

When recording this article, you're able to cancel your mantle, which sends you backwards like a wild bounce from Apex. To do the trick, you first mantle by holding your jump button, and then right when you're about to mantle over an object, you press your jump button again, which sends you backwards.

movement in

This is a useful trick to out-trick your opponent and make your hitbox wonky in gunfights. You can also pair this mantel tech with your dashes to make it even harder to hit you. Lastly, you can use this mantel tech to transverse buildings much faster, as you can see in this climb. I'm only using two dashes to climb this building really quickly using the mantel cancel, so you don't have to use all three of your dashes to scale buildings.

Quickly all right, guys, well, that's the end of the article. Hopefully, I convinced you all to use Invasion Dash over the others, and hopefully you got a better understanding of how to use it. I know I started off as an only Apex content channel, but I'm really enjoying this game, and honestly. Apex gets sold sometimes, especially with the current state of the game and how they are handling it.


I was dying for a new FPS to come out that was going to capture me like Apex did 5 years ago, and the finals are that the game has a high skill ceiling and creativity. The game is amazing, and honestly, it's limited in creativity. Those are, honestly, the two things I'm looking for in a competitive article game.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy playing Apex, especially now that I can tap strafe. Now that I moved over to PC, I will still be making content for that game. I am currently making more guides for Apex and making a series dedicated to me switching over from console Apex to PC, so don't worry, my Apex fans; there's still more on the way for all my loyal subscribers.

I am truly thankful for all the support that you have given me so far, and I hope you guys all understand my decision to add other games to this channel.

Hey what's up dude and dudette. My first guide for the finals and many more to come. What an amazing game. In this guided I teach the basic and some advance tips on how to use Evasive Dash in the Finals.