You're Using The Wrong Controller Settings The Finals


Look at acceleration. I put that at 0% and preset this as directional equipping. The only thing I would really recommend you change on this is to make sure that your Quick Melee is on Circle and that your crate slide hold is set to R. If you have paddles on your controller if you're using a Pro Controller either on Xbox or on Playstation, but like I said, if you don't have that, then you can definitely just keep this as absolutely bog standard and have Circle as your slide, and you can obviously assign a paddle to do the slides for you and make your job 10 times easier, but if you're somebody like me who plays quite casually and you know it doesn't have a stock, doesn't have a Pro Controller, and only has a stock one, then definitely go ahead and switch it to R3, and circle switch these two around.

full release

Trust me, you will not be let down. Behavior: You want to make sure your prior is reloading CRCH behavior. As I said, you want to have that toggle to hold sprint behavior. I'll put that on toggle and preset the directional equipment that's already been mentioned. These are all pretty much the same.

The only thing really that's changed is just these two bad boys right here. Aim assist obviously has that turned on. Sensitivity reduction has turned on as well. That's going to help with your aim assist, and it just slows it down a little bit so you can pick off enemies very quickly. I know a lot of people say it's very OP; personally, it's not that OP, but it is what it is.

Target tracking you have that turned on, Zoom snapping has that turned on, and then gyro aiming, which I don't believe is on Xbox. It could be. I might be absolutely wrong, but I have this all turned off; there's no reason for it's accessibility; have the color blind mode and default; some people like to switch that up; that's up to you subtitles; I just like to have them on; motion blur have that disabled guys do not have motion blur on your game; it just completely.


I don't know, just kind of makes a game obviously yeah makes it look a little bit more cinematic, but when you're doing things like fast movement and you know you're trying to spin around and everything, the motion blur can get a little bit noisia and a little bit sick, so make sure you have that turned off.

You also want to make sure that presets are obviously directional equipment. I'm pretty sure these are all just easy-access abilities. My audio right here is my master volume, music volume, and sound effects volume, and all of this is pretty much Bo standard. You want to make sure that you prioritize your output mode for exactly what you're using.

I know a lot of people tend to do system default or whatever, but if you are if you are using stereos or headphones, make sure you go ahead and pick that rather than letting the system pick it for yourself. Night mode I have that turned off. I don't actually know what that does. I'm very interested in actually trying that, and then my field of view is set to 100.


Distortion: obviously, I have that disabled. And then my motion blow, of course, as I mentioned, is disabled as well, but guys, that is all of my settings for the finals. Obviously, if things do get updated, I will let you guys know, but again, as I really stressed in the article, at the end of the day, guys, these settings are all for you.

Okay, you need to figure out the best sentence for you. There is no one size fits all, so you want to make sure that you are picking the best sentence for you. Find out what's comfortable for yourself. Make sure you do the overshooting under the shooting rule with these two mannequins, and obviously make sure that all of your sensitivities are up to scratch when you're looking at the building and looking left and right and all that stuff, but yeah, guys, my name has been Johnny.
