How To Improve Fps The Finals: No Stuttering, Lag, Or Frame Drops



In this article, I'm going to be showing you guys how to improve your FPS in the finals. Now, these steps are pretty simple, so let's get into.

Enable game mode

It The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you have game mode enabled. To do that, you're going to go to search, and you're going to type in game mode.

You're going to see game mode settings. You're going to click on them, and you're going to make sure that game mode is selected and it's on.

Set gpu high performance

You're finished doing that. You're going to go down to where you see graphics, and you're going to select the graph graphic tab. Now what we want to do is add the {39} to this area, so to find it, we're going to go browse, and you're going to go to this PC local.

DC, then you're going to find your steam where you install Steam, so I have steam here, and then I go down to Steam Apps Commons, and then I see the finals here. You're going into Discovery; this is not the EXE, not the proper one at least, so go into Discovery, then go into binaries, then go to Win 64, and this is the exe, so we're going to go and add it.

I already have it right here, as you can see from Discovery exe, so once you've added it, you're going to click on it and then go to options and go down to high performance. Don't let Windows decide for you; make sure that you have it on high performance; click save; and pretty much that's how you add it to high performance.

Disable full screen optimization

Disable full screen optimization

The next thing that we need to do is disable full-screen optimization for the game, so we're going to go to Steam. We're going to right-click on the game we're going to manage and browse locally. Files, you're going to go to where you see the exe again, so it's Discovery Binary Windows 64, and then this is the exe.

Right-click and go down to properties. You're going to go under the compatibility tab, and then you're going to go down to where you see disable full-screen optimization. You're going to check that, and you're also going to click on change. High DPI settings, and you're going to override it by clicking this.

You're going to press okay, apply, and okay.

High performance mode & advance settings

Next, what we need to do is make sure that our Windows is running in high-performance mode. To do that, what you need to do is go down to search, you're going to type panel, you're going to see a control panel pop up, you're going to click on that, then you're going to go down to see hardware and sound, then power options, and then you're going to see high performance.

If you don't see high performance, simply create a power plan. You're going to click on it, you're going to select high performance, and then you can name it whatever you want to click next, and you've created the Power PL after you've created it. You're going to go to the search, and you're going to type in advance, and it's going to show you the advanced system settings.

If you look under the system, you're going to see View Advanced System Settings. You're going to click on it, and then this is going to pop up. Up, you're going to go to settings, and then you're going to see these options. You're going to go down to where you see adjust for best performance, you're going to click on it, and then you can turn on show thumbnails instead of icons and also smooth the edges of the screen font. Click apply and.

Gpu settings

Gpu settings

Okay, now we're going to be taking a look at our graphics card settings. I'm using AMD, so I'm going to right-click and I'm going to go down to my AMD software. It's going to open up the adrenaline software. We're going to go under gaming, then graphics, and you're going to be choosing the same thing that I have right here, so this is the best performance and the best settings for your AMD graphics card.

You're going to make sure that you have radiant anti-log on, and then you're going to make sure that you have radiant image sharpening. You can mess around with this, depending on how sharp you want it. You can also turn this off; it's a preference; it doesn't really affect FPS. You want to also have radiant in syn, and finally, anti-tropical in anti-an.

For this one, make sure that you have it on, and you can set that to two. Under display, you can go ahead and change. I mean, enable custom color if you want to make it a little more vibrant and a little more saturated. You can go and change that, and you know, get better color, performance, and then tuning.

Make sure that you have this enabled. And make sure that this is on default.

Game config file

Game config file

So the final step is to copy some files into the configuration file for the finals. This is going to overall improve your FPS. To do that, you need to open your file explorer, then you're going to go to this PC, then you're going to go into this PC, you're going to go down to the user's name of your computer, which mine is slop, and then I'm going to go into app data.

If you don't see app data here, what you need to do is type in your search, which is file. And you're going to see the File Explorer options. You're going to go where you see. View, and then you're going to show hidden files and folders. Make sure that this is quick to show, apply, and okay so you can see the hidden files.

So we're going to go into app data, then we're going to go local, then you're going to scroll down until you find Discovery, and then you're going to go to save and configure. Windows client, and this is the game user settings. I and I you're going to double-click on it. You're going to open up with a notepad because everyone has a notepad on their computer.

And then you're going to see that we have some code right here. You're going to scroll down to the bottom. You're going to go and press enter so that there's a space where you can actually paste something. Again, you're going to copy the code from the description, and then you're going to go ahead and paste the code right there, so once you've pasted it, you're going to look for this right here.

That means streaming pool size depends on your system, and then you choose which pool size you want to use. If you're using 4 gigs, I suggest that you go with 1, 48; if you're using 6 gigs, you go with. 248; and if you're going with 8 gigs, like myself, you're going to change that to 3072; and then you're going to go file, save, and then you can go ahead and launch the game so we can change some in-game settings.

In game settings

In game settings

So once you're inside the game, you're going to go to settings. We're going to go under the article tab, and you're going to make sure that your window mode is full screen and your resolution is the same as your monitor.

Optimize your FPS performance in THE FINALS with our latest guide! Enhance your gaming experience with this comprehensive tutorial on fine-tuning settings for maximum FPS, lag reduction, and minimized input latency. Achieve better frame rates and eliminate stuttering with a multitude of tweaks and optimizations featured in our ultimate settings guide. This tutorial not only addresses lag and FPS drop issues but also includes a solution for fixing stutters.
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