Defensive Strategies Using Barricades The Finals
Clip breakdowns!
Worth doing so. Welcome to the first clip. You will see immediately that I'm starting to goo up a lot of the objective because I want to control the flow of the enemy as much as I can. Then I head up to this balcony so I can get a vantage point over the objective. I also go up this doorway right here, but I do not go up the other one because I want to rotate out if I feel like I'm in danger, so I do have to be careful about that rotation because enemies can come from there and flank me, so I place down this first barricade so I can possibly just crawl if I need to, or maybe I can just simply focus my firepower onto the objective, but more importantly.
I will be at the gunfight because it's much easier for me to hit my target than it is for them. This second barricade was a bit more of an experiment. Placement What I mean by that is that I wanted to see if my mediums would use it, maybe to strafe in and out of it or use it for more confident cover.
Sometimes the only way to really learn and learn some unique strategies in this game is just to try weird stuff and see if it works, so I'm going to fast forward through this part quite a bit, but pretty much all that's going on is that the enemies are trying to get a good angle onto the objective and push the objective, but they do quickly realize that they are at a severe disadvantage, and I will have to give them their props because they do come up with a pretty decent strategy.
So the enemies do a pretty unique flank; they come bashing through this wall from the opposite side of where I was expecting a flank, and the heavy does knock down one of the mediums, and the two mediums on the enemy team put so much pressure on the medium on my team that he ends up jumping off the balcony also.
Now this is where things get interesting. I think that those two mediums probably could have killed me if they had put enough pressure on me. I'm not sure if they got scared they didn't want that smoke they don't want that noise so they jumped down also or if they just simply wanted to regroup, but I don't know I'm not sure how it would have played out if they would have made that choice instead so now this is where I use my rotate to get out of the danger zone and it was perfectly timed because one of the mediums threw a grenade right up at me so now I have wasted enough time to the point where all I have to do is focus on objective and deny whoever is stealing objective This one is so Opie, so this one is short, sweet, and simple.
Clip 2
This one shows how efficient a barricade can be in the middle of a gunfight. I ran out of ammo boom just popped one down real quick, and I used that to try to reload, but you will also notice that I hesitated quite a bit because of that thing I talked about earlier where sometimes it doesn't automatically switch to your primary weapon, and that's because I had two barricades in my inventory.
I'm sorry, I didn't have any of my bad stuff to run out of. Whato, The Shield. I've held that shield up, and it did nothing. What was ?.
Final clip
So this is going to be the last clip, but I want you to keep a few things in the back of your head while watching this. Try to see how many times it has helped me win my gunfight and how many times the enemies don't even contest me, and I'm not in bot lobbies; these barricades just bring the bot out of people.
I also want you to try to see and observe how many times it has helped out my teammates. It's kind of hard to see because they're out in the corners, and I'm not looking directly at them, but it does help them out quite a bit in these gunfights, and then I will come back and talk about the last bit of this clip because that is also very important for learning how to defend.
Sights, one's above, one's above at the All, me, all right I am back and this is extremely important remember how I talked about rotates earlier I already planned subconsciously in the back of my head a rotate and once I felt that we were getting a bit overwhelmed and a new team started to sweep in I decided to rotate out and my timing is also perfect because there is just enough time where now all I have to really do is deny the steel itself cuz people start to panic they just to hyperfocus, on just trying to get that steel and all you really have to do is deny the steel now this is something that is kind of hard to train your brain to do sometimes or at least for some people I completely, ignore whatever shooting at me whoever shooting at me turret whatever to hyperfocus, on denying the objective because that is the only thing that matters but then that barricade comes in clutch again not only do I use it against the turret but I also use it against the guy that just attempted to steal the.
Objective: All right, this is the end of the article, but if you have made it this far in the article, I want to let you in on a little secret. I am now being monetized on YouTube, and for those of you that will watch my entire articles, you are the most valuable to me, and I in return want to be more valuable to you, so if you want to make any suggestions.
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