Don't Forget These Settings The Finals - Best Controller Settings

I believe those are just switched when it is on the default settings. The key one that I would definitely change, though, is these two. You can see that I've actually got Circle here, or this will obviously be B on Xbox, and then Crouch and Slide is R3; these will be flipped by default, so R3 will be to melee, and then Circle or B will be to crouch, and if you want to switch these around, you want to set this to Circle or be if you're on Xbox.

finals fps

Like I said, what this is going to do is that it will allow me to keep all of my movement in terms of crouching and sliding on the right stick, so I don't have to take my finger off and, for example, press Circle to crouch. I can just do it all with the right stick, which means that I can also press it and slide at the same time, so I can actually turn a corner.

For example, I can run around this corner and slide while aiming. Instead of having to take my finger off, I'd have to crouch and then aim. That is the issue that you get when you actually have that set to circle or be so definitely give those two settings to change. This is generally referred to as a tactical stick by pretty much all other shooters.

You'll play Call of Duty: Battlefield and stuff like that. I'm not too sure why this isn't the default, and honestly, once you change this, you will never go back, so definitely give this a try. It'll take a little bit to get the hang of it, for sure, and you may die a few times because you're trying to crouch, for example, and you're just punching the wall or something, but once you get the hang of it.


I promise you guys, you will never ever want to go back. Now, moving over to the audio tab What I'll say is that these are obviously all subjective, but I'll just say to take a look at them and change them to what you think works for you. For example, even though the music in this game is actually kind of light, I'm not going to lie.

I have it turned down just to 30, just so it's not overbearing. In a game, if there's music going on, you know, at the end of the game when it's sort of announcing the game is getting towards the end. I don't want that to be overbearing, so I've turned that down to 30. You can still very clearly hear it, but it's just not overbearing.

At all i've kept the sound effects up to 100 because that's the important stuff: gunshots, footsteps, explosions, all that kind of thing that is the sound effects, and then I've just turned the dialogue down just a little bit just so that again, it's not overbearing. I can still very clearly hear what the announcers are saying.

free shooter

If they're giving me a warning that the game's nearly done or something like that, I can still hear it, but it's just not too loud to where I'm going to lose footsteps. And lose track of my enemy for example, now lastly for the audio tab I would recommend turning night mode on what this will do is bring, all of your audio levels kind of to the same level that means that really quiet sounds are going to be a little bit louder and then really loud sounds for example an explosion, is not going to be so damn loud in your ears, it just kind of compresses, that audio and brings it all to roughly the same level now not only is this really good to prevent, essentially ear rape if there's a bunch of explosions going on and you've got your headset up really loud for example but it's also, really good when it comes to hearing footsteps because generally speaking footsteps are relatively.


Quiet, audio, and Q, yet with this turned on, it feels as though they are much louder. You can get a better picture of where your enemies are, and so it is very good for that footstep audio, so give that a try. It may sound a little bit weird, like I said with a lot of these other settings, and you may not like it, but it is 100% worth trying at the very least.

Now, last but not least, we have the article tab, and this is the field of view. This is one that I also go over in every single shooter that I play. I'm not going to lie; I can't remember what the default was, but I believe it was maybe 70. The reason I turned this up, and you can see it clearly here, is that it's really good that they've actually got a transparent settings background here where you can actually see the gameplay behind you.


As you can see over on the right of the screen, I can only see, sort of, the edge of that house. It's only that wall that I can see, but as I move this up. I can actually see the other side of the wall, and if it went up just a tiny bit further. I could actually see almost around the sort of edge of that building, and if there was an enemy peeking at me from there, then I could see them on my screen.

So the reason you want to turn your Fielder view up is that you can essentially just see more on your screen if I go and zoom this in even further. As you can see now, we can barely see that tree, just to the right of the screen. By default, it was borderline, getting towards the freaking middle of the screen, and it definitely just allows you to get more information on your screen, and this is one setting that I do think a lot of people don't like simply because it does look weird.

Don't get me wrong, this is a kind of weird fisheye, where if you don't play in a high field of view, it kind of looks a little bit odd to be honest, but like I said, if I'm looking, in this door, for example. I'm looking. In this direction, as you can see over on the right of my screen, I can see that guy coming around the corner with perfect timing from my AI friend.

is bad

However, as I go through the settings, if this is turned down through the default. I can't see around that building, and therefore there could be someone there looking at me just about to shoot me, and I simply can't see them there, so definitely change this one. It'll take a little bit to get used to, and obviously, if you're on a PC, this may affect your performance a little bit.

I've played with this on 100, on both Xbox and PS5, now, and I haven't had any frame drops or anything like that, so turn this all the way up if you can, if not even down to 90 or something like that is worth trying, but regardless, this is definitely one of the more important settings you want to change in any shooter that you play, so those are all the settings you should be changing, or, like I said, at the very least looking into and giving them a try in the finals.

There is plenty more content coming in this game, plenty of tips and tricks, and all that kind of thing, so make sure you don't miss out. You guys have a great day, and I'll catch you all out there in the arena.

Don't forget THESE SETTINGS in The Finals - Best Controller Settings! I'm the co-host on "The Battlefield Show", a weekly podcast about all things Battlefield, check us out here.