Fix High Ping & Packet Loss The Finals. Best Network Settings

Then you have to simply click on Okay, click on Create, and name this thing. Just so you can remember it, I highly recommend you guys not skip this step because it is really essential in restoring your system if anything goes wrong without any data loss.

The finals network optimization pack

the last step is the finals, the network priority pack.

best settings

You can also join my Discord server to download this pack directly. Simply open this thing up, and you'll find it in two simple folders. The first one is the final optimization, where you find the first option that will disable your background applications on the PC. This will help you to reduce your application utilizing your network in the background, which will in turn help you to fix your network issues.

Right after that is the PC optimization registry, and it has some settings related to optimizing your system. Registries that will help you get better performance related to your FPS and your network consumption. Last is the finals high priority, and this will set your game priority to the maximum level, so whenever you're running the finals on your PC, your PC will utilize the maximum resources in running the game more than running the background services.

delay fix

This will help you prioritize your game the way you should. The second one is network optimization, and this is the most important part of this pack. It has a network optimization badge file that is specifically designed for the finals. In this badge file. I have left a ton of commands that you have to manually type in, but if you run this thing directly as an administrator, you do not have to do it manually; it will automatically perform all of these commands, which will help you to clear your delivery cash and so much more, and running it will help you to set your BCD edit netsh commands, power saving features, and a lot more things on your PC that have to be done.

This is a super helpful optimization, so I highly recommend you guys run it. It will not only fix your network issues in the finals but will also help you to fix your network issues in all of your games once.

Amazing outro

Amazing outro

You're done with the FPS pack. You are really good to go. So, guys, that was it for this article. I hope I could have helped you out. Also, we have the new channel membership, so if you guys are not yet a part of the channel membership, do check them out and show some love and appreciation towards the content.

Until then, stay tuned and keep watching Ver Fox and Peace.

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