How To Counter Heavy The Finals

finals tierlist

As for the Dome Shield or the Bubble, there are a lot of ways to play around with it; it's very situational. But I want to mention a few at the time of this article it has 300 health meaning every weapon in the game can take it down in one burst or one Magazine from every range, hell when I play shotgun heavy I can easily snipe the bubble with a few shots from up to 100 m away so if you see an enemy bubble just like with the mesh Shield if you have an opening to do some free damage make sure to break it even if it isn't meant for you if a heavy pops a bubble in your face when you're fighting, you can try Crossing into the bubble and killing them through it just keep in mind that the heavy can shoot you the entire time while you need to work around the barrier just to get a shot in unless the heavy is really low like one hit one punch you're generally better off backing up a little bit and breaking that bubble before actually engaging, the heavy always remember that the bubble has a cool down of 30 seconds so if you break it the heavy won't have another for quite a while speaking of long cooldowns the RPG also has a hefty one of 45.

finals tips

Seconds, if your enemy wastes it this means that you'll have a 45C, window before they can use it again and if heavy does pull up their RPG, they are very likely to fire it in the next second so try getting behind cover to avoid getting a direct hit and taking a lot of damage if you're playing heavy yourself this can be a good moment to pull up the M Shield drop a bubble, or if you're playing medium you can place an APS turret to deal with that RPG shot and turn the fights back in your favor but if you for whatever reason don't have access to EV a well time Jump might stop the heavy from getting a direct hits and a such maximum damage on you but when it comes to the Heavy's long range explosiv such as the RPG or even the nukes you'll learn that defensive abilities and more of a defensive play style will more often the knots be the thing that saves your life, but now let's sit down and talk about, nukes.

It's time for me to tell you guys how you dealt with them once and for all. First of all, you're going to have to accept that nukes probably aren't going to be removed from the game. Almost every single finals trailer so far has shown the nuke strat in some way shape or form, which to me signals that the developers are okay with it furthermore.

Embark: The people who made this game made Battlefield, the franchise where you were able to Ram trucks. ATVs, and cars strapped with C4 straight into enemies for like a decade now, so yeah, it's probably not going anywhere, but anyway, how do you deal with the nuke? The first step is identifying that the heavy is going to be carrying nukes.

full release

Which, at this point in the game, will be a guarantee. If the enemy is running heavy, they're going to be going for nukes. You can just kind of expect it at this point, but now that we know that the enemy is running nukes, the second step will always be knowing where they are or where they will come from.

If you are aware of where a heavy is, especially when you're carrying a nuke, this will allow you to apply the counter-strategy more efficiently and make it nearly impossible for them to get a good nuke off in the first place. Keeping an eye on respawns, having recon senses in your team, or just paying attention goes a long way, so let's go over a few counter-strategies that anyone can do.


If you see a heavy truck carrying a nuke, shoot at it. If it's a green gas nuke, they're forced to throw it almost instantly. That's because if you hit it once it will start seeping gas which damages the heavy and their teammates, and if they take too long to throw it the canister will break in their face and leave a large cloud, and their C4 on the ground if you do pop the green Barrel get out of their line of sight because odds already going to try throwing the nuke in your face if they are carrying an orange Barrel shooting it until it starts burning starts a 5-second timer where they will be forced to throw it or have it blow up in their face same thing goes if you have Prime their nuke don't look at it get into cover and as for the red Barrel nuke, just keep your head down if you manage to hit one of the SE force of the nuke it will blow up instantly killing the heavy and maybe their teammates in the process and yes I'm aware that nukes have been nerfed I did write the article before they were nerfed but since red nukes still work almost as good in wiping a individual or maybe even an entire team out to the point where there're still plaguing.


High ranked this means that you still need to learn how to deal with them. Knowing where the enemies are coming from will be the key here, because if you know where they are coming from, this lets you put damage into the barrel before they've even spotted you. Speaking of which. I can't stress this enough: if the nuke carrying heavy starts looking at you, you get behind cover or you're going to turn into a red mist of coins in no time, so anybody can shoot a nuke.


But what else is there? If you can hit the nuke head on with any type of explosive, the splash damage will be enough to set their own nuke off and kill them, so if you are, for example, a fellow heavy keeping your RPG off its long cooldown,. Strictly to take out their nukes will go a long way you can also counter nuke them if you feel like doing that instead as for defensive abilities if you're playing medium, the aps tur will be the best counter to the nuke that you could ask for either have it on hand and instantly pop it when the nuke starts coming your way or preemptively set it up in front of you and play behind it that's because if a nuke passes through the aps range the aps will destroy all of the C4, and turn it into nothing more than a meily, barrel toss if you're playing heavy and haven't been able to take out the enemy nuke just yet your Shields are also a great defensive tool to deal with this incredibly, strong strength.

That's because it's on its own. C4 will always get reflected if thrown against a shield or a dome barrier. But if it's attached to a prop which then passes through that Shield the C4 will straight up get deleted the same logic applies to the aps turret you can use the Dome or the shield reactively, and put the shield up when the nuke comes flying, and you can even hold it up preemptively, or even set up a dome Shield when you know it's on its way just keep in mind that a smart heavy that watched this article, already knows how to deal with the preemptive Mees Shield or Dome Shield so going for the reactive Shield countering the nuke as it comes in is probably the better choice generally speaking knowing what the enemy will do and executing a countermeasure strat before they do will yield you the best results.

hidden mechanics

With all of this in mind, if you have the chance, you're going to want to play on high ground to make it harder for them to nuke you. That being said, generally speaking, high ground is where you want to be, so I didn't want to stress something you already should be doing, but anyway, that's how you counter the strongest parts of a heavy kit.

I'm making the game so much harder for myself by making this article, so if you guys want to see me struggle on heavy starting today, make sure to drop by, Twitch, TV.

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