Ranked Tips For Season 2 The Finals

Gadget builds

Gadget builds

This is what I would typically run. I will either run the healing beam or reconfigure the sensors. The f-f car is paired with the frag grenade, then defibs. No matter what play style you play or what special equipment you use, you always need to have gadgets of medium class, with the last gadget being a jump pad.

I think a jump pad is also always needed. Now, in terms of the frag grenade, you can swap the frag grenade out with the gas grenade, the zip line, or even an APS turret. It all depends on how you and your team want to play the game for the heavy class. As a heavy man, you can take this how you will, but personally.

I always use the mesh shield regardless of anything; it's definitely needed in terms of a team situation, whereas you can use a charging slam, but it's a little more selfish of a role. Personally, I use the L gun, but I tend to swap it out if we're playing in Vegas. Then, I always use a dome shield for RPG and C4.

the finals

But if you're playing Lis Gun Heavy, you can tend to swap out the dome shield for the barricade. And at any time, if you want to see what I'm running, go ahead and pause the article at any time, so move on to the light class again. You can see I have an evasive dash on, but you can put on a cloaking device if you so desire.

Then I'm running the XP54, and then I have the stun gun on, which should always be a default to what you have as a light player, regardless of the special or main weapon you use. The stun gun should always be a default to what you have. Next is the glitch and frag grenade. I didn't swap it here, but when you're playing evasive dash, you want to at least have a vanishing bomb with you, so just to understand, if I were playing evasive dash.

I would be using the xp54. The stun grenade glitch grenade and the vanishing bomb instead of the fragment are what we're going to be looking at.

General tips

General tips

At some basic tips, sometimes a lot of this stuff is overlooked. It may be that changing some of these micro-things can help you become a better player. Starting off, try to stay together with your team as best as you can, as you don't want to be that one guy getting caught out by another team, then your team is down, and you end up losing the fight.

I feel another basic tip that's overlooked is focus firing, which essentially means you and your teammates focus on one enemy player in an engagement. This takes, let's say, a two-minute fight to a couple seconds. When it comes to a higher-ranked play, it's not the matter of your individual KD. It's more a matter of what you're doing as a team.


Another thing is that you want to constantly be checking the scoreboard and stream. You can see what I mean. Basically, I open and close the scoreboard a lot during the game; it just gives me a better idea of who's alive, who's dead, who's wiped, and so on. I feel like this is something that is very overlooked, and it will help you not get surprised by enemies that you pull up on in this game.

You really don't want to care about your KD so much. I see a lot of players that always coin or token when they're down a player, resulting in super-staggered spawns in a constant cycle of getting eliminated. Putting that aside, it's sometimes better to team wipe rather than keep using coins, especially when it's in the final round and you're already down two teammates and you don't want to keep staging spawns.

It's always best to try to find a spot to jump off the map or try to wipe out the enemy as fast as possible so that you're able to come back as three and have a better chance of winning the fight. So there's another tip that I've also shown in one of my YouTube shorts previously, and that is knowing where teams spawn at specific maps and points.

I'm not sure if this is really a bug or an exploit, or if the game is specifically intended to be this way. As some of you already may know, there's specific points that when you have a cash out, it forces enemy teams to spawn in a specific location, and you can easily throw nades or shoot RPGs instantly and instantly team-wipe them as again.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or an exploit. I'm not going to share with you where they are, but you can easily find these points if you play a little bit. This next tip works for me and my team, but it may not work for you until you practice it more, and that is doubling up on cash outs. Usually, if a vault is already in a cash out and a team is already fighting over it we will then bring the other volt to that cash out they're fighting at this usually allows for easy third parties, a good lead in terms of money and if you don't manage to get the cash out since it was doubled up and both volts were in there it makes it so that both volts are reset and spawned at the same time allowing you to set up easily for the next Cash Out spawn and another tip if you're going to a cash out that's already started and you already have the old cash out as well, make sure as a medium to either throw a gas nade on it throw a gas mine on it or throw a gas Barrel on it This just allows you to go for the other cash out while you still have the old cash out, and it also allows for greater stalling.

And you can do the same thing as a heavy with the C4. If it's a two-story building, typically you put one C4 next to the cash out to make it fall once it's tapped; however, if you're playing on a building that has three levels, typically I put one C4 on the cash out level, then a C4 directly under the cash out so that it falls two levels instead of one, increasing the stall time that is given.

Basically, those were my best tips to give to you if you're trying to climb the L of ranked.

With Season 2 right around the corner I am giving you my tips so you can climb the ranked ladder.
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