Master The Finals: Complete Guide To Game Modes & Loadouts

beat the finals

I'm your host, Sergeant Frost, and welcome back to another game mode article. Today we'll be exploring the ins and outs of Embark Studios Smash Hit. The finals will hit the shelves in December 2023. The finals is fundamentally different from most first-person shooters it's a weird crossover between genres we've definitely seen before on one hand the fast-paced arena combat is reminiscent of Team Fortress 2 OverWatch or Apex Legends having a constrained map makes positioning and strategy even more important players coming to the game for the first time may also be familiar with the class system in this Ultimate Guide we'll be covering everything from the game modes class breakdowns, best loadouts and wrapping it up with some key tips and tricks to help you reach the finals when you first open the game you'll realize that you can only play quickplay until you've played enough rounds to unlock the other modes there are four distinct game modes available to play each with key differences not including the tutorial or the practice range these game modes consist of Quick Cash banket.

Tournament and ranked. After you've played enough rounds, you'll unlock the rest of the modes.

Overview of game modes

Overview of game modes

The first of these Quick Cash is where three teams of three rais to earn 20, 000 coins before the others two vaults will appear on the map which need to be interacted with to start opening think of the Vault like a holder for the cash box you can't move the Box while it's stuck in the vault when the timer is finished the Box will jump out of the Vault and can be carried pass or thrown to a cash out station when deposited it starts another timer and your team must defend it until it yields a huge payoff in Quick Cash the boxes are worth 10, 000 coins each when cashed so you only need to cash or steal twice in order to take home the win jumping over to banket the other quickplay game mode this one is pretty similar to Call of Duty's kill confirm, it's unlike the other modes it encourages Ultra aggressive play hunting for kills and never stopping.

In this mode, players drop their coins when they die, allowing enemies to run over them and collect them for themselves. Players secure their coins by interacting with a cash-out station, which are the big yellow boxes found around the map. A quick tip to remember if the game seems confusing: vault boxes are labeled by number, while cash-out stations are labeled by letter.

After playing for around a few hours, tournament mode will unlock. It's pretty much the same as quick cash, but instead of 20, 000 coins being the limit, there's a timer, and it's just absolute chaos until it ends. The other big difference in tournaments is that instead of just signing up for one game, you're signing up for a series.

When you queue up, eight teams are seated in a bracket where winners advance and losers are eliminated.

Class breakdowns and strategies

Class breakdowns and strategies

Since the top two of each round Advance winning just three rounds will be enough to be crowned the Victor finally after about 20 hours of gameplay ranked tournament will unlock, the main difference from quick play tournament mode is that ranked is a fourr round event up from three and of course obviously each game you play you'll earn or lose ranked rating for something that's called Fame points, significantly more points are awarded for winning the entire tournament rather than getting knocked out earlier so playing the long game is often rewarding getting second place but qualifying in the earlier rounds is a okay if it means making it through in fact when you have second place secured I mean definitely secured it's often best to chill out and stop fighting there are three classes in the finals, the light medium and heavy knowing your class is Paramount to winning and can make or break your tournament run we'll be diving into each and pointing out the best archetypes, as well as highlighting the worst ones now let's kick it off with everyone's favorite assassin if you're someone who enjoys the thrill of a fast class and wants to obliterate your competition.

Look no further than the light standing at a meager 150 HP, which is the lowest in the game. He boasts some of the most powerful weapons available. The default weapon is the uzi, which is honestly pretty good for all purposes. It's best when used in a medium- to close-range setting, as any further and you'll be hard-pressed to do any damage.

Best loadouts for each class

Best loadouts for each class

But if you're up close the uzi is lethal and can one clip every class if you're accurate besides the uzi players can choose from a wide variety of weapons, but some of the best alternatives are the shotgun and the sniper due to their incredibly High burst damage eliminating someone before the fight even starts is a sheer fire way to win a brawl on top of having some very powerful weapons the light is home to some of the most unique gadgets players can choose between grappling hook invisibility cloak and evasive Dash all three abilities allow for quick repositioning, and that's what light is all about to balance out the small Health total and close-range weaponry it's the fastest movement speed out of any class, this means the longest slide and the fastest running speed since the light has such a small Health pool staying for 1 second too long in a shootout can be detrimental and leave them dead great light players will always be looking to jump on their opponents whether it's a surprise from a corner or a One-Shot Kill from invisibility.

But wait, it's not just about flashy tools; it's about the utility that turns the battlefield into your playground. Let's unravel the brilliance behind the light-class grenade options. The Pyro grenade serves as a fiery counter to the toxic gas in the finals, igniting and swiftly dispersing the hazardous fumes.

It becomes a game changer for recognizing blocked areas, especially when clearing the cash out for daring steel. Now on to the glitch grenade. This disruptive tool turns off enemy utilities, including shields, making it a formidable counter to what the light class despises the most. If it catches players in its explosive radius, it disables their abilities and grenades, easily dismantling opposing teams, and finally, the not-so-grenade but equally impactful stung gun, a short-range laser that temporarily paralyzes foes, leaving them vulnerable, yet its use demands precision , as a miss shot could leave you wide open.

Essential tips and tricks

Essential tips and tricks

The light's best tools are like problem solvers; getting rid of anything that could be an obstacle while playing this class is not just about firepower. Strategic choices matter just as much as the shadows of the light. Step into the versatile world of the medium, built with gadgets that redefine utility.

Explore every aspect of THE FINALS with our Ultimate Guide. We reveal the secrets to mastering the game, including game modes, class breakdowns, top loadouts, and essential tips. This video is your key to achieving victory in THE FINALS.
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