Beginner's Guide To The Finals

As a heavy player, you should most likely be playing the closest to the objective versus your teammates, as you should be the first one to jump on it in situations where it's being stolen. Throw your explosives onto the objective to burst people who steal it. You can also drop dome shields to keep you and your allies alive.

You can also use the goo gun to block off entrances in order to stall longer. The heavy class is typically going to be the one that is the first to defend and try to stall the enemies. Now keep in mind. There are so many ways to approach the finals; it is a sandbox game, and you are only limited by your creativity.


There are some general understandings of how classes can be played, and hopefully these are good baselines. But don't let that stop you from discovering your own tactics. If you want to be a full DPS heavy that doesn't shield, be my guest, and if you want to be a light that tries to be the defensive tank for your team, go ahead and figure it out.

New strategies are being created every day, and the meta is constantly changing. I haven't found a single team composition or strategy that couldn't be countered. Instead of claiming a team composition or strategy is overpowered, try maximizing the counterplay, to that strategy using gadgets that counter theirs, recently I even discovered that I can use the aps turret on an object bring that object around from me with me that now counters RPGs that are flying at me and it can also be used to wipe all the traps on a Caso, a simple tool that basically nobody is using is now countering some of the hardest metas in the game it only takes a bit of Ingenuity to understand that there is a counter to everything you just have to be smart enough to figure it out.


This game is both simple and complex. There are a lot of simple concepts with very complex skill ceilings. You have to have a lot of knowledge to be able to just act on the fly and thrive in the finals. If you want more guides, be sure to subscribe and like the article, and I will catch you in the next one.

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