Best Game Drop Of The Year. The Finals Is Tons Of Fun

Let's talk about some of the more unique gadgets, starting off with the goo. The goo can be used as a grenade, a gun in the heavy class, or the purple goo barrels scattered around the map. It's basically a spray foam that expands and can be used as a cover, but that's the thing about the finals. There is more than one use for these gadgets.

You can literally build a bridge and use the goo to cross-throw a goo bomb and get an enemy stuck inside where they can't move, and boom, you have yourself a free kill. How about fortifying a position so you and your team can protect the cash-out station? I found that gadgets can be used in multiple ways, and the finals give you the sandbox.

game review

To become innovative and outsmart the enemy on your own, You might be thinking, Gez, this goose stuff sounds broken. How can I counter this? That's another great aspect of the finals. Every gadget has a counter. The best counter for the goo has to be fire; it will burn all the goo in no time. If the enemy team has a cash-out station fortified with mines and shields, then guess what the light class has: the perfect counter.

With the glitch grenade, which deactivates enemy gadgets in a small area, a lot of times teams will deploy gas on the objective so you can't push, but guess what you can counter with a fire grenade? The finals have this awesome gameplay loop where gadgets are very strong, but you can still counter and create your own unique outplays.


So why do I like this game so much? Like what let's go over some of the pros. I think the finals seem to have decent polish, especially for a free game. I've really only encountered a couple of minor bugs. The destructible environment creates new strategies for objective play, whether it be bringing a building down.

Sending the vault on a jump pad to your teammate, like all sorts of crazy maneuvers, outplays, and scenarios that could come from this game tons of customization for your character, but it's not pay-to-win; you can earn in-game currency, which you can use to unlock weapons, gadgets, and abilities, and you don't have to do anything except play, so I think that's a really nice aspect to keep people engaged; they don't feel like someone else is ahead of them because they can just play a little bit more, unlock the coins, and unlock the same gadget that other person was using and try it out for themselves, so I think that's really nice, incredible, and replayability.


I literally streamed this game for like nine and a half hours last Sunday, I think it was, and yeah, I was just completely engaged. I stayed up one night till 3:00 a.m., playing with my friends, and I never stay up that late anymore. Just so fresh and exciting to play, you know, competitive-focused gameplay and mechanics.

So this game just kind of has competitiveness in mind, and I really like that I will be attempting to grind ranked. But yeah, the competitive aspect of the game is very nice. There are tons of gadgets and guns to expand the way you play, and again, you can unlock them simply with in-game currency, which is fantastic.

There is a strategy, planning, and counters to the game play; it's not just plain old Cod where you shoot, die, respawn, maybe a kill streak. One team strategy may work well, but that exact same strategy doesn't resonate with your team. There's different ways to approach situations, and there's just so many incredible outcomes that could come from playing the finals.


What about some of the negatives? I mean, this game can't be perfect; there's got to be some flaws. First and foremost, I call this the Apex Effect, but it's hard to play this game solo; you really need a dedicated, coordinated team to maximize your fun. I mean, every time I've had randoms, I know it's a new game.

I completely understand that, but the randoms are just punching a wall, or They don't fully understand what's going on, and you know that will change over time. I get that, but. I definitely have way more fun with communications. Discord with my friends like that is, for me, the best way to play this game.

I think there are still some game balance issues. I'm not going to go too in depth because, like I'm not a game developer. I don't know exactly what they need to change, but to me, there seems to be a lot of explosive spam, and the gas can be a little annoying. Yes, I know you can counter it with an APS turret.


Yes, I know you can counter the gas with fire, but it still sometimes feels a little bit excessive, and in my opinion, the heavy class just runs the game right now. Talk about overwhelming if the enemy team has a heavy or even two heavy I've seen that sometimes it's just that it gets out of control so quickly when he's Hulk smashing the building, and this guy's got an RPG, and like, it's just a lot, so I would like to see the heavy class looked at a little bit.

In my opinion, this game needs duos. I don't know if solos would work. I mean, I'm down to try it. Sometimes, with the destruction, it's awesome, but I've had situations where I get trapped under buildings and I literally can't move. Or, this one time I was like shooting the bad guy; he's on the cash out station, and I'm about to kill him.

It was heavy, of course, so he takes 3 million bullets, and as I'm about to kill him like the last couple of shots literally, the building literally crumbles in between us and he gets the cash out, and we lose. Just, but I guess that's the finals. I've been trapped in like weird structures like the AC vents, like sometimes I just get stuck in between certain things or, like, if you're on the moving platforms.

pro tips

I call it the train, like the platforms that kind of are on a rail system and move around if you have the goo on that, it's like really buggy, and sometimes you'll get stuck and just fly off the map, so that's kind of an issue. Footstep audio just doesn't exist. I don't know if it's just me, but there's no footstep audio, and my frames barely get above like 120, and I feel like I have a pretty decent gaming PC; it's a 3070 TI i72 700k, and I run a dual PC setup, so like the finals aren't even taking place, like I stream on a totally separate PC, so I feel like.

Is anyone else experiencing low frames on this game? It's great now because the game is fresh and new, but I would like to see a road map for this game and just kind of see, like, where are we headed? What are we doing? Is there going to be more maps, more guns, and more characters? I don't know how they would fit a fourth class in, but where what is the what is the final goal?


I guess for this game, I don't know. I guess some of that depends on how well they like to retain players and sell skins. You know, once they get more funding, they can expand on the game; we'll just have to see what happens. All of this to say, I'm very excited about this content journey moving forward.
