The Finals: 5 Quick Famas Tips


Next up at number four and I know I briefly touched on this at the longrange shooting with the Famas we have the reticle placement now this is extremely important, now you might just say well if you want to hit head shots aim for the head but from targets that are a little bit further than 10 m this isn't really the case if I put it right on his head right here for that first shot yeah I might be able to hit him but as you start spamming shots your grouping is going to get worse and worse generally speaking to have the most consistent results still hit head shot while maintaining your or optimal time to kill what I like to do is aim right at the neck area, this is really good for ranges that are a little bit out of 10 m maybe 20 AKA where you're going to see most gunfights generally speaking.


And what this does is even if I'm not controlling that recoil perfectly cuz this thing does kick more the deeper you get in the magazine it's going to ensure that one you're hitting all your shots and two you might kick up and get a few head shot so right here in the neck area as you can see, if I'm aiming and doing that while maintaining that recoil adjustment that I showed off previously you can hit head shot very consistently, as I show off in the range one as you get further away you're going to want to aim lower and lower but generally speaking if you aim towards the neck as you can see right here head shots become very consistent now you're probably saying well that Target is standing still same thing works here if I'm in the neck level Maintaining that recoil headshot is very consistent, so keep that in mind.

Make sure your reticle is placed properly before beginning a gunfight, and you will have a ton of success. And finally, at number five, we have the equipment you should be running with the Famas, or you could be running. I should say this is just my personal loadout. I find it to be the most useful, so I'll run you through it and just kind of show you how everything leans into each other.


So the first thing I love is the dematerializer. Now you might be saying you're just using that because it's new, but for a weapon that has burst fire, being able to peek in and out and jiggle Peak like this is really useful because burst fire weapons are very good at pre-firing. I can start my shots before I even see my target, as you can see right here, and I can damage them, and they only have like a split second to react, and I can take them out.

The same thing here if I'm looking at this target, because this thing has really good hit fire, I can utilize the same thing. The other thing I love is the gas mine. Of course, this is good for blocking out objectives and keeping Your Flank covered, but you can also combo this with our next thing, which is the frag grenade.

The frag grenade is just amazing; it's my favorite equipment in the game overall, but it has a pretty cool synergy with the gas mine, so all you're going to do is throw or underhand a frag grenade. Take your gas mine and throw it like that. As you can see right here, you have what is essentially a gas grenade and a fragment grenade.


All in one, and you get two charges for the gas mine, which makes it better than the gas grenade. In my opinion, of course, you can throw the gas grenade further, but I really like that synergy. The other thing you have is a jump pad for general maneuverability. However, I will caveat this: do not use the famas in the air unless you are right in a target's face.

As you can see right here, if I jump and fire all these, the spread on this is absolutely bonkers. Make sure if you're using this thing, especially if you're hit firing, you don't jump around and do that because, as you can see right here, we'll go to this wall if you're jumping around while you're hit firing.

Yeah, you're just not going to hit where you're aiming at, so generally try to stay on the ground, but the jump pad is really good for getting objectives. Maybe throwing frags, you know, dealing some damage to things in front of you, but yeah, that's just my personal load out. I have the most success with it.


You can change things out however you see fit, but for me, this is the most consistent. Been absolutely loving this weapon as I've said. I'm probably going to post a gameplay of this weapon sooner than later so you guys can see some of these tips in action, or you don't really have to watch that.

I can't make you do anything, but I promise it's worth it. It's worth it, so I'm not. I don't just seem like a phony. Maybe you're just like watching these articles and thinking, man, this guy probably can't do any of the stuff in the game, and for the most part you're right, but every once in a while I can do some cool things anyway.

Anyway, guys, this has been a combo. Stay home, stay safe, and yeah, peace out,

This 3-round burst weapon is an absolute menace in season 2 of THE FINALS.
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