The Finals: 5 Quick Sword Tips

As I showed here, you can kill with two dashes, but in my opinion, going for the quick melee into the light attack is much more effective. Moving on to number four, we have the invisibility tech. Now, this isn't really a technical thing, just something to keep in mind. As I said, you should probably be using the dash because the dash is going to allow you to have that movement as well as keep your momentum.


Extend the range, which has so many benefits, but you can also use the vanishing bomb for something very useful when using the heavy attack. If I go invisible, for example, right-check this out, so I go invisible. I can still charge back my heavy attack without becoming visible, and what this allows you to do is charge up that heavy attack that comes out of the blue and does a ton of damage.

This might seem small, but I promise you, this can be a huge thing, especially when Target doesn't know you're there. Let's say I'm over here waiting in the corner, charging up my heavy I'm going to crouch in. Bam, as you can see right there, he didn't know I was there. I did a ton of damage, which is very strong.

Definitely keep that in mind when using your gadgets. And finally, at number five, we have sensitivity to all things, and this actually makes a huge difference with any melee weapon in this game, but I like to include it with the sword rather than the other ones because I believe it to be very important, so the way this works.


I'm talking about Medi sensitivity on PC. I mean, you guys have like full 360 sensitivity at all times, but on console, this is a pretty big deal, so right here, if I swing, it works if I'm looking over, as you can see right there. I actually hit the target, so right here if I swing it, nothing right, not hitting them, but if I start my animation and look over, as you can see right there.

I actually make contact, and that's because it has active frames, and those active frames persist as you turn your screen, so as you can see right there, you can get some pretty easy shots. Well, if you go into your settings and change this to Max, as you can see right here, we're going to go all the way to Max on both.

You can hit some crazy shots they really shot. I guess their swings have this high sensitivity, so, as you can see, it's really high right here. If I look all the way over here, oops, let me try that again. As you can see, I can basically hit targets that are behind me, so if you don't like high sensitivity, I get it.


I wish there was a way to set your sensitivity with the class loadout that you are using, but if you're using the sword, you may as well use it at high sensitivity because you can do stuff like that. Like I said, the sword kind of has a cult following, so I'm sure there's something I missed on here, but I tried my best to cover everything.

Just going to say it now, this thing is super busted. I don't want to jinx anything, but I could even see this thing getting a Nerf, and I mean that so seriously, so please take advantage of this thing while you still can, especially if you can still do the CSON combo on console. It is stupid and strong.

I've dropped like 30 kill games with this thing, and I'm telling you it's absolutely busted. I apologize again for my voice. I think in one of the tips, you probably heard me dying near the end of it because my lung capacity is so low right now. Shit's going around, fellas. I'm telling you we might be back locked in doors.


With the co, I don't have co, but it's no, it's no bueno. But anyway, this combo is not going to hold you here. As I said, be sure to leave a like and hit that bell. I'm just kidding; I'm not one of those, but yeah, something I'm going to say at the end here to kind of end it off. I just recently started Channel memberships.

They started a dollar if you want to support me. You know, of course, that I do these articles for free. I don't get a ton of views; you don't have to, but it's something I throw out there. I'm only doing it for a dollar, and basically, if you do so when I stream, Just shoot me a message and chat, and you're basically guaranteed a spot to come and play along, but yeah, I'm sorry.

I hate doing promos like that; it makes me feel so corporate and shitty, but yeah, this has been a combo. Stay home, stay safe, and yeah, peace out,

The sword is one of those weapons that has become infamous with sweaty light players running around absolutely decimating lobbies, or getting bodied by just about every other player in the lobby. Melee weapons have kind of become my specialty in this game and I can say with confidence that the sword is all around the most powerful weapon by itself currently. I've put together a pretty extensive guide here covering melee animation cancels, kill combos, movement tech, etc. Even if you don't feel the need to try to sweat with this thing, hopefully these tips make your experience more enjoyable.
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