All 17 Classes The Finals - Explained
The whole class is built around the sword, which combined with well-placed attacks on enemies who aren't looking your way can get your kills on the most important targets, and maybe even full squad wipes in order to reach your enemies and keep them under toast to sort, like also runs the evasive. Dash, which is usually combined with the lunge attack to burst a large amount of damage in a short period of time.
In addition to the sword and dash, the sord also runs a stun gun to help secure targets and get additional crowd control, a vanish bomb for additional outpacing, and to actually go invisible. Especially with the lack of a cloaking device, and finally, the last gadget is usually up to the individual player, but many even run to a frag grenade for additional damage over range or a glitch grenade to disable enemy teams and give them a higher chance to get in and deal a lot of damage.
But as fun as swinging as a round can be, especially if you're making cool swish noises with your mouth and getting lots of kills, it still feels a lot better if you're using a big gun, and that's why we have the Fragger medium. The Fragger medium is a medium class built around going for kills. As opposed to the normal medium, who normally wants to enable their team, you can usually see the Fragger medium slightly disconnected from their own team, looking for a good angle to lay down as much damage as possible.
In a way, you can see the Fragger medium played the game sort of closer to a light but with a much better health pool, arguably better movement abilities, and more consistent down damage. Usually, the Fragger medium runs an F car, but in some rare cases, they could choose to go for the model 1887.
Instead, to help out with the flanks and to find easy angles, they also usually go with the dematerializer. As for the gadgets, the frag medium usually runs with a jump pad or zip line to get new angles and to rotate to or even from their team; they also run the frag grenade for additional damage, especially if they have the model to make a first lack of damage over range; and finally, even though they are a fragment, the defibrillator is still just too good to pass up on, and it's a lot easier for them to come back and clutch up if they can get their teammates back alive more quickly.
The frager medium is not satisfying at all, but if you really want to push your limits, you might want to check out the sledgehammer. Heavy the sledgehammer heavy is all about getting up close to your enemies and smacking them with your big hammer one secondary fire is slow but it can destroy entire props and walls and of course it deals 200 damage per swing, the problem is that heavy is the slowest build in the game with the biggest chunky hit box and without any real movement abilities in order to make up for that the sledgehammer, heavy usually runs the goo gun which allows them to outplay enemies numerous ways but more specifically, it allows them to trap the enemies inside of their goo which then lets the heavy walk up and smack them around well there is nothing that the enemy actually can do if the heavy chooses to use another specialization.
Like, say, charge and slam for additional damage and a little bit of movement, they could run a goo grenade to achieve the same effect as for the to-go-free gadgets. The sledgehammer, heavy, will run an RPG for damage and destruction over range, a dome shield that you can play in and out of while trying to line up their big smacks, and then the third one is usually up to the heavy again.
The third gadget will be a good goo grenade if they aren't running a goo gun, but if they are running the goo gun, the choice is usually between a barricade anti-gravity or a frag grenade for that additional damage, and man going off some of these sledgehammers. Clips, this heavy build is some goo.
content, but if you want to be more flashy, there's always the content light. The content light looks a little bit like the meta light, but with a key difference: this build is about getting kills and making it look as flashy as possible. When you do so, the content light exclusively runs the evasive dash for movement, along with any weapon except the sword.
I guess, and they're constantly playing on their own on the lookout for the next Montage. A must-have for the condite is, of course, a stun gun, and very often, the gateway, as the gateway allows them to pull off more out of place and take more off angles than any other light gadget would. As for the third gadget, this one is usually up to the task, but I'd personally go for the glitch or frag grenade since they would allow me to get opening damage before I actually dive in and start jumping around with the dash, but the content light requires so much focus and so much work.
What if I just want to lean back, kick my feet up, and let the cat roll on its own? There's always a lazy medium. The lazy medium will try their hardest not to play the game themselves. This is one of the few medium builds that you can actually see running a guardian turret, which is perfect if you don't want to shoot anything on your own.
The lazy medium's entire kit revolves around setting up at a point no matter whether the cash out has started or not, and in addition to the turret, they're also packing enough mines to turn the area surrounding the cash out into their own No Man's. Speaking of No Man's Land, a great way to clear all of that will be with the flamethrower.
This makes for a guaranteed backstab, no matter where the enemy is facing. There are also some lights that run the cloak for R dagger play style, but they are very rare. As for the rest of the kit, assuming they are running Dash, the dagger light will run a stun gun to lock enemies in place and to disable their abilities, a vanishing bomb so they can still go invisible and escape or surprise their enemies, and usually something like a gateway to close the gaps, get onto flanks, or go for other types of outplays.
As for other explosive outplays and damage, there is also the grenade launcher medium. A grenade launcher medium is all about the Seal 40 and getting the most value out of it. Generally speaking, the medium will be running a guardian turret for some additional damage in a sustained fight or the healing beam to support your team, though I have seen some dematerialize.
It's really all about spreading as much chaos as possible. Once everything is turned upside down, most players will struggle to think on their feet, and that's when the trolls and their team will shine through. The goo gun is an almost must-pick as it allows for unconventional and trollish places.