Ranked Tips To Instantly Improve The Finals

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I used to think that playing for wipes off at the beginning was a free way to get a little bit of extra cash, but the 10K just sets up the tone for the rest of the match to go so much smoother, so definitely go Rush, do whatever you can to get out of the fight, and just get that first 10K installed.

And defend it; it should be a pretty easy set, like I said, because other teams play pretty undisciplined. And this is the only time I ever really recommend double-installing. If you notice specifically at the start of these games because there is so much chaos, sometimes teams will let the other 10Ks go undefended, and if you do have an opportunity within the last, let's say 30 seconds to 40 seconds of your vault to go and grab that cash and run it back to yours to quickly double stack it and get a free 20K.

That can really just change the tides of a game drastically, so that's the only time I really recommend double stacking. Double stacking isn't always a great idea because it sets the whole lobster's focus on you. All respawns will happen right outside your building or cash site. It just asks for chaos, so I don't recommend it often.

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What about the 15k? Let's talk about the third and fourth vaults that will spawn on the maps. I think the 15k are something that I would argue that you never want to double stack these things, like I said, unless you have the opportunity, and the Lobby's just fragging out to get a free last second double stack, go for it, but 15k is ideally you keep everybody away and keep the focus off of you because those are the game-securing vaults, especially if you've secured the first 10 kits.

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You want to be as quiet and discreet as possible. And as e easy of a defend as possible I think that if you played the game properly you got the first 10K in installed you get the 15K installed it'll set you up for success to deal with the 22s, and the 22s are probably the most complicated vaults in the entire game a lot of times when you're in first place or second place you never ever want to install, these vaults but there are two that spawn around the map and depending on when the 15ks, got installed, they'll kind of stagger and when they come into play I think that if you're in first or second place you always want to go to Vault 5 or vault 6 and sit on it and defend it you want to make sure other teams aren't able to start these vaults or if you've already started them you just want to defend the cash box if you wanted that extra little bit of cash you want to make sure that teams don't get these into the cash outs because then that'll extend the game by another 60 seconds.

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And set it into overtime; if you're in first place, this doesn't matter too much because. And that is regarding the scoreboard I think the scoreboard is a really powerful and underutilized, tool that not many people really look at when they first start playing the finals when I say scoreboard I'm talking about when you hold Tab and you actually open up your kill log to see how many kills coins and you know support score you have but also the top left of your screen there's a little bit of UI that tells you what place you're in this will also tell you the timers on respawn cooldowns, information that the scoreboard does give you though are what teams are fighting a lot of times you can look at the player names and if there's anybody dead there will be a death skull next to them and it can give you information on if you want a third party sites, if you want to take on a fair 3v3.

You know, if you fight with a solo team at another cash site, it just gives you a lot of information. This other tip also kind of ties into the objective, and if you know a team is about to respond and you are running a cash vault into a cash box, if they are in the final 3 to 10 seconds of respawning, sometimes it could be very beneficial to actually wait until they respawn.

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Before you put your cash vault into the cash box, if you put the cash vault into the box and they respawn within the next 5 seconds, chances are they're going to be right on you, which is just going to bring a lot more chaos in your direction and essentially ruin your chances of getting the money, so if you do wait until they do respawn, nine times out of 10 they will spawn them almost halfway across the map and then you could put the cash box in and basically buy a free qu of time off your cash boox for free right away you just don't have to worry about fighting and the final way I think the scoreboard can be really useful for information is when you are in those capitalized first place positions at the end of games, if you are dealing with a really good second place team well chances are if a 22k vault is in play you can use the scoreboard to your advantage to help a third or fourth place team who maybe isn't as good, get a free steal off your second place team to then qualify to the next round and knock out a really good team the finals is a very manipulative.


Game and you know killing isn't always the main priority, but in the case you could pull up to a cash out where a third or fourth place team has some big money that can knock second place out and you could sort of fight with them and pick and choose who you're shooting at, you can really screw over a good team.

Even some of the best teams I've gone against who were in the top 100 have been knocked out due to the strategy, so definitely implement this in your game. The fifth and final subject I want to talk about in the finals that I think is really important is the use of tokens. You guys all know we have final tokens.

You start off by thinking about two at the first round, and every round that you qualify, you end up getting one more token. I'm pretty sure there is a little bit of a bug right now. I don't recommend you abuse this, but I have noticed that when you disconnect from games, like, let's say, your game crashed off at the start of a tournament, you get to reconnect.

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I found myself getting a full five tokens after reconnecting, so I don't know if that's intentional. I have no idea why it does that, but I did notice that, so if you do end up disconnecting, at least you get compensated for a little bit, but the use of coins is really strategic. You want to make sure you're not spamming these things because they are most useful in the final rounds if you do go into a final round.

Today, I break down some of the most important tips I feel are necessary to find consitent success in THE FINALS ranked system.
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