Ranked Tips To Instantly Improve The Finals

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With let's say one or two tokens teams will definitely abuse you and pull off weird strats to make sure that teammates can't get back to you to revive you if you do have zero coins so you want to make sure you go in with at least three I think the number one time you should coin is when your statues are being camped let's say you have a teammate, who finished off a cash site we got the money, and there's the team who is just hard stuck on wanting to fight your last final teammate a lot of times I think it's more beneficial for the teammate to just run away make sure you don't get wiped make sure you're not going to lose 30% of your cash, and upon him running away you and your teammate can use coins to then relink up with him and go push the next cash FL in that downtime your teammate who is still alive can go push the next cash fault or push the next cash site that you want to actually go attack it's just about using up your time efficiently to make sure there isn't serious amounts of downtime where you're losing opportunity.

Another fantastic time I think you should be using your coins is if you have a great setup. With a lot of defensive utility, on a cash out, if your teams are not in an uncomfortable situation by any means and you happen to get picked off outside a building, your two teammates can just keep holding down the cash site, defending it holding off the team and let 20 seconds run by.

You can coin back and rejoin them in the fight rather than them giving up fantastic positioning, a fantastic, fantastic hold on the cash site, and ultimately end up giving up the cash, which could then just lead to you getting a third party from another team respawning at the end of the day. Time is money in the finals, and if you can buy some time for free and the coin is a good way to do that, then you should utilize it.


In that sense, another fantastic time, I think you should use the token. That is a bit more of an advanced strategy, but let's say you are in the position of first and you do want two teammates to go and grief the remaining cash site to manipulate score standings and maybe knock out second place. I think that it's always beneficial to have one teammate kind of sit behind and rat to make sure that you do not take team wipe to knock yourself into second place and then potentially get knocked out by the cash out that's currently in play.


If your two teammates who do go to grief end up getting knocked out and you do have a final teammate who is ratting to stay alive, make sure you don't get wiped running around. Making Mak sure that you have your finger on the space bar is, you know really beneficial so that if anybody does last second chance manage to find him you can coin, he'll die you'll respawn and you avoid the team wipe you keep your positioning everything is good but if you do have the luxury you won't have to burn that token your teammate can just rat and you'll stay dead until the next round and you won't end up burning a coin and to finish this entire tip article off I wanted to finish with a tip on when I don't think you should be using coin, in certain situations I think that if you're in a final round and you and your team teammate have been wiped and it's your final third teammate fighting for his life and he's about to die coining back in doesn't actually provide you any value it be much more beneficial to just take the team wipe so your whole team can come back after 20 seconds and then regroup together you coining in at the last second right as your final teammate dies only extends.

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Today, I break down some of the most important tips I feel are necessary to find consitent success in THE FINALS ranked system.
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