The Finals: 50 Ranked Tips Every Solo Needs To Know

advanced tips

I'm not saying other light weapons are useless, and if learned, they could be just as effective. However right out of the box this weapon is one of the easiest recoil patterns in the game it can do lots of damage at range as well as be just as effective at close ranges, now moving on to the best solo gadgets for each class starting with medium of course we have the defib as the number one gadget on this list then moving on to the jump pad zip line which is great when you have low gravity it can help you get from point A to point B without wasting any time this has saved me countless times while trying to get a vault into a cash box at the very last minute the aps turn grenades, gas grenades, as well as gas mines and again I just want to state if you are not using defit while on a medium I'm going to tell you right now that you are throwing. In this current meta the best solo gadgets for heavy is C4 for blowing cash outs to the floor below creating new entry points or Vantage points and of course for nukes the RPG, because it is a massive DPS burst and can do everything a C4 can besides nuking and lastly the Dome Shield the best solo gadgets for light is breach charge for all the same reasons C4 is a top pick grenades Vanishing bomb stun gun will help stop Steals and lastly glitch grenade now moving on to tips for when you are live in game and the first tip and debatably, the most important, is to turn on your mic or voice chat as an introvert I understand how much anxiety it causes when you're turning that voice chat on but the benefits truly outweigh that anxiety, the little things is a teammate telling you that a guy is one shot around the corner and killing that one guy can cause a team wipe is so gamechanging.

In-game tips

In-game tips

Especially on the final round or you being able to communicate with your teammate that a heavy is lying up right ahead with a nuke ready to blast you guys is information that can actually prevent your entire team from wiping now to piggyback off that make call outs even if someone isn't listening. This is a great way to improve your IG skills, and remember, even with their mics off, your teammates can still hear your callouts, regardless if it's a good or bad callout.

beginners guide

Having some sort of direction is better than having none. Now on to the next tip: play and stick with your team. This may seem super obvious. And easy but in practice it's actually something that hard to do I can't tell you how many times I looked behind me and my teammates were nowhere to be found this is incredibly frustrating when I'm playing heavy and I need my medium with heels to be there to back me up only to find that he is on the other side of the map trying to 1v3, a team please don't be that guy stick with your team and play your role with that being said take every opportunity, you can to focus fire with your teammates this can turn a 3-minute engagement with another team into a 10-second engagement, lasering one teammate then going to the next and then to the next giving them absolutely, no chance to react like I said before don't worry about getting the assist worry about getting your team the elimination.

Speaking of eliminations, make sure to frequently check the scoreboard for team wipes and respawns. This is valuable information when trying to avoid a third party or going in for a third party. The next two tips are going to require you to put your KD and ego to the side and do what's best for your team in some situations.


It's better to team wipe rather than token. This will give your entire team a refresh and allow you guys not to get into an engagement staggered. Sometimes it's better to team wipe rather than wait for a revive. This is especially true in the final round. The quicker the wipe, the faster the reset.

These two tips single-handedly help me not only steal cash outs but win plenty of final rounds on to the next. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If your team is in either third or fourth place at the last minute and you are not able to obtain a vault to deposit, but the other unqualified team is, help them reach the cash out so that your team has another chance to qualify in overtime.

finals strategies

The next tip is a little bit questionable. But [ __ ] it I'm going to share it with you spawn points are unfortunately, quite consistent and can be predicted with ease if there is a spawn point next to the cash box you are defending placing C4s and traps will deal a significant amount of damage to the enemy when they spawn I will not be sharing these spawn points because I feel that it is an exploit that will be fixed fairly soon however this is Essential Knowledge that will be used against you in the higher ranks or when going against a coordinated team so knowing, is better than not if there are multiple Heavies in your lobby utilizing an APS turret next to the cash box will help prevent the cash box from being blown to a different floor however this is not 100% guaranteed counter because if the area around the aps is destroyed the floor can still fall through with that being said try to get your team to not play directly on the cash boox when defending utilizing, gas mines and grenades is an effective way to hold a cash boox when it's 3/4.

Done-go canisters are a fantastic way to block off Cash Out entry points. Gas canisters, just like gas mines and gas grenades, are a fantastic way to stall time for the cash boox. Now, when getting into an engagement, if you eliminate a player and that team has a medium in it camp that body and ensure a revive is not possible eight times out of 10, the teammates will W key it for a quick revive.

finals tierlist

Leading to their elimination too, if you're on heavy and going against a team abusing nukes use an RPG as a quick counter if you land a direct hit it is an instant kill for any heavy holding a nuke, and take the damage that the nuke would have caused your team and spread it amongst their own teammates if they were close by if you were in second place and there was a minute left try to attain a nearby Vault and throw it as far as you can away from the cashbox location, even if it prevents the opposing team just 5 to 10 seconds that could be the difference between winning and losing now if you have communication with your team and end up losing the first battle for the 10K Cash Out try to convince them to wait after spawning to check whether or not another team is wiped around the same time you did the reason for this is because the team that did wipe May spawn at the same cash outs therefore making it three teams fighting for one cash out thus raising the possibility, for a third party.

full release

However, if you do decide to go for that cash out, do not be the first team to start the engagement; this will leave your back exposed to a guaranteed third party. Instead, try to communicate and convince your team to wait for either one team to wipe out or for both teams to have at least one player eliminated.

The odds are that both teams would have most likely used up all their abilities, making them extremely vulnerable. Now again, if you are lucky enough to have communication with your team, try your best to convince them not to battle for the first vault but rather tag it for the first $10,000, run to the cash out, and wait for another team to take the vault to you.

In the worst-case scenario, they double it instead of taking it to your cash box, leaving you still in second place, meaning that you already have a $1, 000 safety net from tagging the first vault. Speaking of tagging vaults, if you are third and only $11, 000 behind at the last minute, try your best to hit one of the vaults.


This has won me tons of games because each time you tap a vault, you get $11, 000, which just may be enough to put you in second place when using a mes shield. Always try to stand in front of your teammates so they can shoot through it in safety. Also, on the flip side, if your teammate is using a mes shield, please stand behind it and shoot.

Prepare to elevate your gameplay to new heights with my comprehensive guide to mastering ranked matches solo queuing! In this must-watch video, we've compiled 50 invaluable tips tailored specifically for solo players, ensuring you're equipped with the knowledge and strategies necessary to dominate the competition. Whether you're a seasoned player from the beta seeking to refine your skills or a newcomer looking to climb the ranks, this guide has something for everyone. From crucial tactics for securing objectives to effective communication strategies, we cover it all in detail.
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